I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

I also chuckled at the assertion that someone who has experienced the twistees has to physically rebuild their entire routine because the muscle memory is broken.

I read somewhere else when this first happened that when gymnasts get the twisties it can take months to get over, and they essentially have to re-learn their way out of it in the gym with a pit to fall into instead of a mat. So I think it might be right on that.

i have bpv (although i think i have Meniere’s disease) and my quality of life has suffered significantly since and I basically do nothing. can’t imagine how bad it is if you are actually an active human.

For those not following closely Canada’s soccer win today is the first time a trans/non-binary athlete has won a medal. Fuck ya Canada!

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i read the title and didn’t really read it in depth, but isn’t it a bit weird that a non-binary person would be interested in representing his nation in a very binary defined competition?

Wow I also had BPPV several years ago and spent several miserable days certain I was dying with a brain tumor or some other horrible neurological condition.

Then I did some research, watched some youtube videos like this one which nicely explains the condition and demonstrates the Epley Maneuver used to treat it. I was able to cure myself instantly and have had no issues since.

Consider this a PSA and @Yuv I sure hope your condition is able to be resolved. Good luck.


Just a friendly reminder they go by they rather than his.


None. The answer is always none. 100s to 1000s of people, who have actual talent, and have already been training for many years, will also be training for the next four years.


Bench player on a rugby team where your dad is the coach.

A radio host here has a bit where he claims he could win the Tour de France with a few years training. After all it’s just pedaling! The calls he gets are hilarious.

I could go back in time when I was like 4, do nothing but train in like table tennis which I was always ok at, and by the time I was in my 20s I think I could crack top 1000 in the US.

These hypotheticals are so stupid

Yeah this would be a total waste of time for almost everybody. Zero chance.

But if I had to pick, it would probably be Archery or Shooting based on combination of (a) less popular, (b) highly specific and trainable skill, (c) lower athletic requirements

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If I could use the 50 million as collateral for a loan, maybe I could just buy the best one of those bouncing horses?


If you’re semi athletic you could be like the third goalie on Brazil soccer or Canada hockey and those guys never play.

I thought of that. Take a 40 million loan, buy my way on to the men’s basketball team. Profit

I’ve never watched competition kata but did those in karate. What do they judge on for those?

my bad, but i actually did make a conscious effort to get it right by using ‘person’. the problem is that in Hebrew ‘person’ gets the male suffix and i still think in Hebrew and translate my thoughts in writing.

My question does stand though. Quinn represented Canada in Women Soccer, which seems a bit counter productive to their desire to not be referred to in a binary gender.

Assuming I can’t cheat and just be a non-player on the bench of a volleyball team, the answer for me would be coxswain of the men’s eight rowing.

I’m sure they do a whole lot of stuff that’s not obvious to a casual viewer, but the rest of that list is LOL. I don’t know much about sailing or shooting, but those would have to be my next choices because every single one of the other events would be literally impossible.