Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Imagine if white Americans would agree to universal health care and addressing climate change so long as we let them have residential segregation.

I can totally see how I’m going to eat a Twitter ban because I react negatively to the orgy of virtue signaling that will be the parade of online conspicuous patriotism on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

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Good article on Marc Lore’s plan to build a new city in the desert.

Bold plan. I like the way he’s trying something that everybody else has completely failed at and has no reasonable chance of success, but with the added twist of doing it in the desert where nobody wants to live because the climate sucks and it’s only going to get worse and oh yeah there’s no water because that’s sort of like one of the defining features of a desert.

I probably don’t want to know how much this fucking idiot is worth.


Managed to find a name twitter would accept to bypass that log in bullshit

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Sad event in NZ, 6 people stabbed (nobody dead yet but three critically injured) in a terrorist attack by an ISIS sympathiser. Reportedly he picked up a knife from a shop in a mall and started stabbing and the police, who had had him under surveillance for ages, shot him dead inside 60 seconds. Apparently they really wanted to have this guy in jail but there was no legal way to keep him detained. The High Court had apparently ruled that “preparing a terrorist attack was not an offence under the Terrorism Suppression Act”, I am quoting media reports here, I’m sure there’s more to come out on this. PM Jacinda Ardern has acknowledged she was personally aware of this guy before the attack.

Oof. Thats gonna hurt her politically you would think. Conservatives are going to with “asleep at the switch / soft on crime” narratives.

Also “ban knives!”

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I’m far more likely to cut myself with my chef’s knife than I am to stab a burglar.

Old TV was weird. Or movie or whatever this was.

Those shows really were vile.

As much as Morgan Spurlock turned out to be a total POS, his version of the wife swap show was actually pretty good. They selected normal reasonable people from completely different walks of life, not complete psychopaths like Wife Swap. It was interesting to see how non-insane people dealt with the clash in cultures. Of course it died on the vine.

Side Hustle King back out here spitting financial advice.

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Maybe if it was dinner 25 years ago and he signed over all royalties to the blueprint.


I would happily pay him $50/mo for life if he hands me $1M today. I don’t suppose that’s an actual offer though.

For some weird reason, he doesn’t have a million to give you.

Oh, damn. Always a catch!

A financial guru without a million dollars? Must be shit at his job.

Wait what if I take the $1M now and invest it?

Really balllparking his numbers.

If we get $600/y let’s used 1.1^40 for years 31-40 ($6K) That’s a 250kish

1.1^30 for years 21-30 is 100kish

1.1^20 for years 11-20 is 40kisk

1.2^10 for yeas 1-10 is 15kish

So at 10% interest and significant rounding bias, that is about $400k. The real number is probably under $350k

Wtf kind of return is dude getting?