Help Desk

Did you try pressing ctrl+F twice?

i said it was a stupid question :frowning:

i did not

The fact that there’s a different icon of a quotation mark is very confusing. Thanks.

I think the idea is that ctrl+f does almost nothing because most posts aren’t loaded until you scroll up/down. You can basically only search what you see on the screen, which is pretty useless.

How do I put a mod on ignore please?

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Speaking of ignoring:
Is there a setting to ignore someone so that I don’t see any of their posts, but can still receive messages from them? I feel obligated to receive messages from anyone, since people could be trying to donate via paypal, but my experience here would be substantially better if I could ignore users’ posts.

Thanks for the offer. I’ll pass for now, but may end up asking for this at a later date.

ggoreo answered this for me a ways up thread. It sounded complicated so I just started liberally scrolling instead.


That will necessitate a lot of scrolling these days.

@anon46587892 or @zikzak should be able to help.

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Interesting you can’t upload a video taken in iOS?

Interesting everything I post is on my iPad. Never had trouble with images.

I’ve never logged into UP on anything but iOS. Lol

It’s probably some idiotic proprietary Apple format. We currently allow mp4 and webm (the latter also having spotty support on Apple).

They really are a shitty company who are single-handedly obstructing widespread adoption of superior open source image and video formats because they’re angling to have their own adopted instead so they can rent seek with outrageous licensing fees.

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A couple of days ago, the Trump thread stopped loading correctly for me. It loads about 10 posts, and then the ones that are below all appear to be still loading. It looks like what happens when my wifi cuts out for a while. However, it only happens on that thread. The COVID thread, for example, is currently larger, and I can scroll down endlessly (I can’t seem to ever keep up with that thread) with no problems.

I’m on a MacBook Air if that helps, using Chrome.

Any ideas?

Try a full refresh. Ctrl + f5 on windows, kill the app on your phone, or whatever the equivalent is on Apple stuff

Ahh, the ol’ “Have you tried turning it off and back on again?” gambit!

Thank you, that worked. :blush:

Still wonder why it was buggy for just that one thread, though.

Why do I so often get “This media can not be played” on video from Tweets. Not every time, but more than half. Do other people get this? Is there a size limit of media that gets embedded? Does it take a while? Is it slow on my end or on the server’s?

I can take the links to the tweets and see the videos on twitter no problem.

I get this a lot and randomly too.

See here upthread for previous media could not be played fix attempts.

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It’s an issue for many, multiple solutions have been proposed, and idk if any of them reliably work. I can’t even solve it for myself, never mind other people.

What’s super weird is if I click the admin edit button on somebody’s post where the video won’t play, it does play in the preview box.