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My flair is giffing, but my cat is no longer bee bopping

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I miss the bopping!


fucking bopping

Ty ty

So I’m reading the Post-election thread, and come upon this:

I’m a little color blind, so I thought maybe these colors are really close but not identical. But my color-picker tool app is telling me that these two colors are the same. (Looking at my previous post about this the colors were the same at that time as well.)

Of all the “collisions” I’ve noticed this is the worst. Not only are the colors the same but the “shapes” of the usernames are very similar as well (big M, lowercase letters, a big letter in the middle, then an n on the end, and all about the same length as well).

I understand that there isn’t any software fix, so @MysteryConman and @MasterofthePwn, I’d like to respectfully request that one or both of you upload an avatar. It’s not a huge deal but would help some of us at least with our forum reading.


I have colorblindness as well, so can relate. I just joked about this yesterday in the LC thread…

I’m sure @MasterofthePwn registered before me, so I’ll gladly switch up, unless master wants to.


:+1: I’d prefer to stay the same.


Thanks for being willing to make a change, I appreciate it!


Any time. Need a little guidance if possible. Do you know if I’m able to keep my M-vatar, and just change the color? And if so, where do I make that change happen? I’ve been looking through my preferences and not seeing where that would be.

ETA: or maybe I should just have an actual avatar

ETA 2: nevermind I found it. I suck at finding things until after I ask for help lol

Looks good, thanks again.

Any backstory on the pic you chose?

I made a post on LC about it. My BIL drew it for me years ago.

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All of sudden when I click a thread it doesn’t take me to the unread posts but to the end. I’ve cleared my cache send logged out and back in. No luck.

Any ideas?

Is this all threads and it keeps happening even when new posts are made?

Seems to be only certain threads. Weird.

I clicked on the mod thread and LC both of which had 30+ posts and both jumped to end. But then clicked on trump thread and it sort of jumped around a bit but seems to have landed on unread posts.

Oddly, even if I click on a reply or heart in my profile it jumps to end of thread and not the responded/hearted post.

Tried a second delete history, cache etc and reboot iPad. No luck.

Dunno, maybe try a different theme and see if that helps.

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That worked! So weird. I would have never thought of that. Thanks.

What did you switch from and what to?

Dark to grey. Interestingly, I can’t seem to switch from grey to any other one now. Fun with computers!

You can do it from the hamburger menu. The cleanest, most minimal theme with the least chance to have bugs is Neutral.

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Thanks that worked too. You are a a wizard!