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All of sudden when I click a thread it doesn’t take me to the unread posts but to the end. I’ve cleared my cache send logged out and back in. No luck.

Any ideas?

Is this all threads and it keeps happening even when new posts are made?

Seems to be only certain threads. Weird.

I clicked on the mod thread and LC both of which had 30+ posts and both jumped to end. But then clicked on trump thread and it sort of jumped around a bit but seems to have landed on unread posts.

Oddly, even if I click on a reply or heart in my profile it jumps to end of thread and not the responded/hearted post.

Tried a second delete history, cache etc and reboot iPad. No luck.

Dunno, maybe try a different theme and see if that helps.

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That worked! So weird. I would have never thought of that. Thanks.

What did you switch from and what to?

Dark to grey. Interestingly, I can’t seem to switch from grey to any other one now. Fun with computers!

You can do it from the hamburger menu. The cleanest, most minimal theme with the least chance to have bugs is Neutral.

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Thanks that worked too. You are a a wizard!

Other odd thing is dark works fine on my iPhone still but won’t work on iPad.

Computers are fun!

Problem using the forum with Chrome on a tablet: I can’t “click” directly on a link or button-- I have to do it a little above the point it’s positioned on my screen. First noticed it a few weeks ago. It goes away if I select “desktop view” but that’s rough cause I don’t see so good. Not a huge deal but annoying.

Grey theme. Mobile, yes, but possible it’s just more obvious there.

I just switched to the neutral theme and the problem went away even when I go back to grey. So, fixed? Thanks for looking at it!

Never a problem before or with other devices or on other sites, just here.

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Hello, @anon46587892, I am seeing a lock icon in a thread where I was posting. What do I do if that lasts more than a couple of hours?

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I’m beginning to think you’re not even a real doctor.

Can I make this screenshot my default view when I login somehow?

Do I have to do something to unlock the “ignore” feature? I looked at how to put someone on it, but when I go to the drop-down it only offers “normal” or “mute.”

Fixed. Not sure why that setting was so restrictive.

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Is there a way to mute replies to a poster I have muted? The COVID thread is literally 50% Churchill and Caffeine replying to his inane questions.

Can we change our under title to anything?