Help Desk

That would be an interesting experiment!

We actually have undertitles on this site?

AOC 2024

Those come from joining a group. So yes, you can change it by leaving or joining a group. You need to petition for an anything group.

This is a super tiny bottom-priority thing: I was using the “Block NSFW Avatars” feature in my profile and as far as I can tell, the only active poster/avatar combo that’s blocked right now is for RegretS. I took a look at it though and he’s changed his avatar to something different than the NSFW one he had before.

So I guess the ask here is to take that user/avatar combo (I’m not sure exactly how the feature works) out of the blacklist. Like I said, super low priority, or maybe even a “won’t fix” but my OCD is forcing me to point it out, sorry.


Who is currently running the forum? Late this summer would they be willing to host an AMA w one of Biden’s cabinet members ?

Which one?

Is there some way to block all of About Unstuck from my latest feed?

Go to the Categories view, click on the ‘All Topics’ link for About Unstuck. Then click on the bell icon in top right above the list of threads. You can pick muted from there.

I just mute stuff thread by thread so can’t vouch for this, but I looked it up yesterday.


Here’s a shortcut to getting to this view: About Unstuck - Unstuck Politics Forum


As long as it’s not Mayor Pete, sure


Thanks. That’s because I ticked the Theme is enabled by default box by mistake instead of Theme can be selected by users on a Theme I was testing
Then when I deselected Theme is enabled by default I forgot I need to go back and reselect it on the theme that is supposed to be the default or it resets default to the basic stock theme and names that Default as well. I changed the name of Default now so we won’t get two themes with the same name

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So, for any mobile users here, if your menu looks wonky or the site looks different, just click your user profile, scroll down to the drop boxes and select “preferences” and then on the right box select “Interface” (see below)

From there, if your theme is unselected, select a theme. You should go back to whatever you were at before, just pick what makes sense. And if you like the way it already looks just ignore this, but all my stuff changed so I wanted to give a heads up.

Cool thread. did not know it existed, sorry.

Took me forever to figure this out so I’m sharing for anyone on mobile

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Or just refresh and it will be back to normal.

I feel like I tried everything man, sorry. I dont see a refresh on mobile unless you mean click the banner which I tried.

weird issue started happening on safari/iphone. clicking on a thread doesn’t take me to first unread post but all the way down past (!) most recent post. happened sometime during SB, although maybe it’s just when i noticed.

i already restarted browser, logged out/back in. still occurs though. sad face.

eta: click on last post time also takes me past the post. basically down to suggestions. :rage:

looks like it was Dark Theme. doesn’t happen when i switch to Dark Test.

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Same thing started happening to me around the same time on my iPhone, but it was on Chrome rather than Safari. I also use dark mode. For the record, I think I was on desktop mode, because I believe it started behaving better when I switched over to mobile mode. But I was too focused on the Bardy show to really pay much attention to it.

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In my very thorough 15-second test, Dark Test theme seems to be working perfectly.