Help Desk

I updated a thread title earlier and noticed that there was also a drop down box to change the category the thread is in:

I don’t remember seeing that option before and a test I did with one of microbet’s old threads seems like it worked, did a setting get changed somehow to allow this? @anon46587892 @jmakin

I’m not a site admin, but my understanding is that TL3 (Trust Level 3) users can “move” threads from one category to another, along with changing the thread titles. That’s been the case for a while, so either you just became TL3 (I think it’s possible to oscillate between TL2 and TL3) or maybe you just noticed the option.

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Ha, I should’ve just referenced the Discourse trust level thing again since it’s literally the first thing mentioned:

Users at trust level 3 can…

Recategorize and rename topics

My apologies for the admin @s in this case, silly me.

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well you done broken the Dart Test theme now. ;p

when i scroll through the thread, it now snaps to nearest post when the finger lets go of the screen. just thought i’d let you know

I don’t think this is related to any change ggoreo made.

i am not sure if it’s related to any particular change either. if can get a video of it happening, i’ll post. back on the impossibly bright default theme right now, it’s behaving fine at the expense of my retinas

hey @jmakin or @anon46587892, I have a slight Walrus emergency. I have a private message where I’m compiling and editing the reveal and I’ve run into a cap on how many edits I can make (had no idea it existed). It says I have to wait 5 hours to make more edits. Is there a way to increase the maximum number of edits? I can complete my shit in word I guess but if you can raise the cap with one setting or zero my out on my current edit count, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

Thanks for looking, another 30 to be safe?

Copy and paste into a new PM?

thanks that did it


why would there even need to be a maximum on edits/day???

the internet equivalent of putting a dollar in the dissertation.


I read the forum by going to the unread posts tab which only has threads I track. Last few days it now shows the categories on the leftside of the page instead of just the threads, is that a bug or planned? Annoying the hell out of me.

Is this on browser? I mostly use mobile

yea browser

is it this tab?

It’s the “Sidebar” option under preferences, you just go there and click “Hide”.

I’ve always had to re-set it every few months, which isn’t onerous.

that was it, thanks!

A few days ago I started seeing this in the upper left corner (PC/Windows/Opera/Dark Theme).

Clicking close doesn’t do anything.

Another low-priority question… I’ve seen this off and on for a long time, but noticed it again today:

The screenshot didn’t pick it up, but my mouse pointer is hovering over the user icon to the left of the O (for “Oust”), and the tooltip is displaying “(unknown/deleted user)”.

The first few times I saw it I figured that it must be some kind of spam user that had been quietly removed by mods, but now that I’ve seen it several times all in a thread from the last few hours, I wonder if something else is going on?

I’m on the Neutral theme, using Firefox on Windows 10, if it makes any difference.