Help Desk

This forum software is good but there are definite bugs I’ve discovered. I’m leaning bug.

The first Like was by jalfrezi who, I am guessing, you may have on Ignore.

Oh yea it’s this. I misread the post - i thought you moused over Oust. The invisible user you definitely have on ignore.

I do indeed. I guess we can conclude that it’s not exactly a bug, but if I were the software author, I might populate that tooltip with “(unknown/deleted/ignored user)” or something similar.

The site won’t load on my mobile - I have noticed this problem sporadically for months. I’m getting request time outs. I can’t tell if it’s the discourse app, our site, or my internet connection - doubt it’s the last one. I also had a brief problem where the page load would hang on browser but it appears fine now.

I checked server resources and everything looks great. Does anyone else experience this issue?

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Have we stopped being able to unclick a like? I accidentally click on them sometimes and couldn’t unclick it last time.

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still works, but there could be some time limit involved.

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oh if there’s a time limit that might be it. Any idea how long?

ok must be a time limit because I can do it straight away but not on older likes. I’m testing on your posts J lol.


I’m not sure - I can check

Thanks, that would be great. I got distracted after the 10 minute mark.

You nailed it - it’s ten minutes.

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Thanks J.

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dumb question, but i have a new laptop and threads don’t refresh while i’m on them anymore (i used to see new messages when browsing a thread). what should I change?

What browser?


When creating a poll, what do the Min and Max refer to?

I am going from memory here but I think it’s the number of options the respondents can select

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Depends on what kind of poll. If you choose a numerical rating, it’s the range that posters can rate something. If multiple choice, number of selections.

Is it possible to make public polls the default?

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Is there a way to Summarize Thread from my last read post? I really like that feature to get a feel for threads I don’t try to keep up with, but still want to see the highlights. But it seems to be all or nothing - if you summarize the thread, you’re forced to start from the beginning.

What I’d love to do is, for example, pop into the Top Shots thread every so often and see only the highlights since I last read it.