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From a quick search threads also get set to tracking once you’ve read them for ~4 minutes.

You can manage these settings from Preferences under Notifications.

Thank you!

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So is there a size limit for animated avatars? Because I see some simple ones still work but mine doesn’t work. JT’s interestingly doesn’t work inline but when you quote him the quoted avatar is animated

I think at some point some avatars were converted to animated PNG’s through a process I’ve never been able to replicate, and I’ve never managed to successfully upload an animated PNG anywhere. You also might have older versions of some avatars still cached?

Every single part of image resizing and conversion has been broken and dysfunctional in a revolving sequence of fail for months. Whoever is responsible for this part of the software is pretty terrible at their job imo.


Do bookmarks disappear if you set a reminder and you click on that reminder? Is there a list of all my bookmarks? I can only see them in the notifications when the reminder appears.

Can we get a new forum update? Are they breaking our beloved gifs again?

Your gif is giffing along just fine.

The update was for animated gifs posted in comments only. Animated gifs as avatars are gone, I assume for good.

Yes, I know some still animate.
No, I don’t know why.
No, this isn’t something I can fix.

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fucking bullshit

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fucking glorious

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fucking Matt Damon

My flair is giffing, but my cat is no longer bee bopping

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I miss the bopping!


fucking bopping

Ty ty

So I’m reading the Post-election thread, and come upon this:

I’m a little color blind, so I thought maybe these colors are really close but not identical. But my color-picker tool app is telling me that these two colors are the same. (Looking at my previous post about this the colors were the same at that time as well.)

Of all the “collisions” I’ve noticed this is the worst. Not only are the colors the same but the “shapes” of the usernames are very similar as well (big M, lowercase letters, a big letter in the middle, then an n on the end, and all about the same length as well).

I understand that there isn’t any software fix, so @MysteryConman and @MasterofthePwn, I’d like to respectfully request that one or both of you upload an avatar. It’s not a huge deal but would help some of us at least with our forum reading.


I have colorblindness as well, so can relate. I just joked about this yesterday in the LC thread…

I’m sure @MasterofthePwn registered before me, so I’ll gladly switch up, unless master wants to.


:+1: I’d prefer to stay the same.