The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I never looked at the needle other than if an image was posted in this thread.

Lol needle


I feel like Needle is going to read this thread and think people are laughing at him.

Yeah lol at these pollster ratings and the current status of polling. It is obvious their methods are flawed as hell. This isn’t just Nate’s fault. Pollsters need to unfuck themselves.

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Good post, and it sums up something I’ve been trying to put into words. It’s like almost vaguely racist to assume minority demographics aren’t allowed to have their own retrograde assholes happy to vote against their own interests if it give them some kind of feel.


I have no answers.

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Would polling be better if pollsters just asked about issues instead of actual people/candidates? And then extrapolate who they’re likely to vote for based on their answers on issues?

gg to whatever pollster had Biden at +17 in WI like 6 days before the election


All Wisconsin ballots have been counted but not posted, they’ll post them shortly.

That would make sense if we didn’t have 75% of the country saying they want government run healthcare and then choosing Donald Trump in his race against Democratic primaries victor Joe Biden.


Not this cycle, if Biden had gotten as many votes in FL as the $15 minimum wage he’d have coasted to victory


Yep. And Florida voters overwhelmingly approved hike in minimum wage last night.

20k votes.

Weren’t we just laughing about Trump’s chances of winning WI being about the same as Biden winning Alaska or something?


GOP members of the Florida legislature are now furiously trying to figure out how to subvert the $15 minimum wage thing


I mean, those Fox News Poals last night had D policies being favored by like 60-65% of people.

Edit: ponied multiple times


Trump is a cult leader plain and simple. People voting for him do so based on fantasy about what they believe he has done or will do, it’s not based in reality.


What’s the recount threshold?

Their high paid consultants should know better. In sales they teach you early how to use emotions - fear makes people stay the course, anger provokes people to change. Dems need to lean hard into anger to get people mad at Trump and Republicans for fucking then over.

Oh you can bet on it. If there is a way they will find it. I suspect they will have it back on the ballot in 2022, at least.