The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

This was also suspected going in yesterday, and also not accounted for in the way the needles reacted and such. Those NYT needles are straight garbage, we all talk about it after every election, then before the election we’re like “Fuck the needles.” Then they start and we’re like “Here’s my vein, line that needle up and slam it in there.”

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My very very rough math - combined with fuzzy memory from 5 hours ago - suggests that Biden is gaining about 1,700 raw vote margin for every 1% additional counted in Wayne County starting early this morning.

I think he was up by about 230K coming into the morning with (I think it was) 60% reported and is now up 57K with 76% in.


I’m not seeing anything about this from a Google news search and his Twitter doesn’t seem to cite a source…

Re:27% of Florida mail ballots not being delivered

Ok, well now it’ll be interesting to see if the media “calls it” or not!

Yeah I put ? - because I wasn’t believing it either. I edited the post for the late crowd.

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Sorry, I saw the responses and got excited

How do recounts even “work”?

Do you run all the ballots back through machines? Do you go into hard drives and extract all the numbers again? Do you take a sampling and see if there’s a large enough shift to extrapolate to the whole electorate?

This is why Dems lose. It’s because the default position in this country is Republican. Dems have to “reach out” to blocs of voters, otherwise those voters vote Republican, even though Republicans never “reach out” to anyone other than rich white males.


Told you guys you should think cheating rather than bad polling… that florida incident is disgusting




Regarding the runoff(s) in Georgia, if someone moved there in November or December, could they vote in it?

If so, I have a pretty good idea if Democratic campaigns have any money left. How many tens of millions of dollars were wasted trying to flip the senate seats in SC and KY? Could have just used that money to pay people to move to Georgia for a month or two.

Wisconsin with 89% turnout??

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Twitter needs to lock trumps account. He’s clearly retweeting stuff now trying to get around restrictions

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They thought the Packers were playing.


Rs did reach out hard to Cuban-Americans, and possibly some of these other latino areas.

But I agree with your general premise in that Dems couldn’t have reached out more to court moderate Rs - and lost share of Republicans from 2016. Meanwhile Republicans can run some radio ads and siphon of a decent-sized chunk of latinos.

It’s a stacked deck.

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Lol legit didn’t know this

That and this year especially in Florida, GOP was out holding rallies and doing in person GOTV drives and showing no fear in the face of the virus while Dems were being responsible adults and losing like always. Republicans had like a 2/1 advantage over Dems with new voter registration in Florida this cycle.