Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I refuse to pander!

Intro verse chorus verse chorus middle eight repeated with a melodic hook will get you a top half finish in most walruses imo

I am the 1%

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There is a reason for that. You can enjoy the musical equivalent of Surströmming all you like. That doesn’t mean everybody else is wrong to pass on that.

Fwiw, I would love a reveal today

Of course.

The larger the number of judges, as here, the closer the results get to populism, which was my point.

Alright, I will start my reveal in about half an hour.





Go to bed imo.

miliboo has clearly broken jalfrezi’s spirit


It’s very strange, considering he’s doing well in this walrus overall.

I’m just off to bed, sadly, but have fun everyone. I’m sure jalfrezi respects each and every one of us really.

(Though not your questionable tastes in music.)


If I have my locations correct it is 1:40 AM for pyatnitski, jalfrezi and Louis

edit: 12:40 AM for jalfrezi

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Literally fell asleep at 4am. At least these things are consistent.

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Category host name: Louis Cyphre

Category: A song that hypes you up. It can be one that gets your adrenaline flowing, a work-out song, something that gets you dancing etc.

Musical tastes: I mainly listen to rock and metal (from vanilla to extreme) and their siblings, cousins and bastards. I also listen to pop, hip-hop, some classic, a tiny bit of opera and I can generally find something I like in most genres.
Basically no-hoper genres: hardcore techno/gabber, Operetta
Dubious genres: Electronic, Jazz, country/western, disco, RNB

I listen to a lot of stuff, so just about everything else is in with a shot.

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Perfect timing, I just finished my reveal for the day. Let us Walrus!

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For starters I want to congratulate everyone for your picks. There isn’t a bad song among them. I believe everyone tried to find something that they think fits my musical taste. Thank you very much for that. It didn’t feel like a chore at all. The songs I habitually skipped where the ones I already knew and didn’t need to hear again.

What’s good for me is bad news for you because songs that deserve a top half finish had to be relegated to the bottom half. If you find your own submission there don’t feel too bad about it. It’s just that somebody had to end up there and the competition was stiff. Also I noticed that my write-ups focus on the negative aspects a lot. That’s not a sign that I disliked the song. I just found it easier to explain why a song didn’t place higher than explaining why a song is 3% better than the previous one.

A fair warning: If you are not into metal and punk you are going to have a bad time. The majority of submissions came from these two genres.

I am going to give one guess for each song who I think submitted that particular song. Let’s see how many I can get right.


hmm, maybe I’ll host a walrus where one category is limited exclusively to G&S patter songs. “Modern Major General” would place last.

Just cursing myself now. I’m sure I get last here too

That’s a Walrus that’s panda-ring. He doesn’t look happy. Probably because he feels ashamed as he should.

In 13th place scoring 1 point Slayer with Raining Blood

Submitter’s comment: Slayer, man

First impression: “When the Saints Go Marching In”

I am sure the this fellow Walrusser meant well. This is an all-time classic and I will probably listen to it for the rest of my life. My category description cointained this though:

and this is what’s happening here. It’s one of my favorite songs and it’s a great category fit but I imagine submitting Raning Blood to a metalhead is like recommending “When the Saints go marching in” to a Jazz fan. I guess. I don’t know anything about Jazz. I have read once that the Jazz bands in New Orleans charge extra when they are asked to play that song because they are sick of it.

Submitted by: miliboo?