Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I just saw that fucking artless wanker Sting beat Captain Beefheart and won’t bother reading the rest lol.


The scorecard update you’ve all been waiting for.

  • Eyebooger regains the lead with a disgusting score of 89 points.
  • There are still 3 reveals to go, which means a total of 39 points up for grabs.
  • Sky - this means if you come first in all three reveals and boogie woogie comes last, then you can tie him for first place.
  • CM3004…not so much.
  • It seems appropriate given we often can’t tell their entries apart that jalfrezi and the goat are currently tied for bronze. Worth noting that jalfrezi still has one reveal to go.

Well, I guarantee that’s not gonna happen. I’m only reasonably confident in one category left, and that seems to have been my kiss of death. Maybe that means I’ll actually win the two that I expect to do badly in, who the fuck knows anymore.


I think I’m relatively happy with my final three submissions, so prepare for a lastening


Throwing down happening ITT

I think I’ve got one good category left. The other two could go anywhere from first to last and it wouldn’t surprise me.

It’s a race to the bottom!

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I’m 3 off podium but I still have to reveal, so I need to crush both remaining reveals to have a shot at podium

Most likely finish 4th-5th, which is a win for me

That I live to see the day where an ABBA song finishes top3. :smiley:


We got a reveal today?

That would be a question for @LouisCyphre !

I had my reveal planned for tonight. Unfortunately I didn’t make as much progress as I hoped and even considered postponing it. I am cramming right now and doing my best to get it done tonight. It will be at least another hour though,probably longer.

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imo if another night is gonna give you a bit more time to actually enjoy the process then you should postpone. jalfrezi won’t be revealing until Friday so we have a lot of space between now and then.

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Slightly delayed quality reveal >>>> rushed half-assed judging


Yeah. I’m also running a TV theme song reveal today, so no rush, the forum has walrus if they need it.

I could do it today but I could also use some time do finish all my write ups. I have about 5-6 more to go. If I don’t do it today I will either have to wait for next weekend for a late night reveal or do it during Euro evening hours (US afternoon) during the week.
What say you?

I think do it during Euro evening hours during the week. A lot of people are still around at that time anyway and it will help fill the space up until Friday.

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Just do it today man. They all trying to mess with your head.

Doesn’t matter to me. I hate everything.

I think i’ve finally got it through my thick skull that my musical tastes just don’t align with 99% of this forum.

need more symphonic metal imo

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