Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread


Pauwl’s middle of the road run
The return of eyeboogers Mojo
CanadaMatt’s p/nodium
Seites/pyat’s Curse


Does 5pm PT/8pm ET/4:37 last Tuesday AUS time work for everyone?


Ok! For tonight’s reveal, we will be imbibing in my lockdown go to - a nice Prosecco. I’ve been switching back and forth between the blue and the orange of this brand - orange is a little sweeter. Blue might be a little dry for me.

Also a tramadol which should kick in about halfway through the reveal.


holy walrus jesus


In first place is elrntnfkfkfnfb-zzzzzzzzzzz


First of all, I liked most of these songs. I felt the adherence to the category idea was a little shaky. But I tried to give the benefit of the doubt when I felt like the spirit of the rule was being honored.

Since my category was so specific I decided to do a 1-10 point system for if I liked the song, and did it fit the category. Highest point total wins. Like Obama, total transparency.

Also I tried not to get distracted by the videos, because some songs didn’t have them and I didn’t think it was fair to mark songs that did either way. So if your video helped, you kind of got hurt, if your video was surreally bizarre, you got a reprieve. I guess everyone did it this way?

I listened to each song at least twice. I went back and listened to the transition into the supposed “new element” as many times as necessary to try to understand where it was supposed to be. Some of you probably should have left a comment as I was guessing.

Ok let’s get into it!


Oh yeah - one more thing I forgot to mention. I have a general rule to never trash anyone’s creative endeavor. Unless that person is a professional who’s basically asking to be critiqued - I think anyone else’s creative effort should be nurtured and applauded, or at least not trashed. Life is hard enough w/o random idiots who never even tried - sneering at your first attempt to add a piece of art to the world.

So to me putting up songs for Walrus is a little like a creative endeavor. I assume you are sending me a song that’s special to you, maybe something you think is a hidden gem, or connects to a special moment in your life.

So despite my general trash-talking approach to Walrus, I’m going to be pretty nice in this.


Scoring to that extent based on category fit is fraught with danger…but we’re all in the same boat, and you have the tramadol to handle the cries of righteous indignation so…LEZGO!

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Another category where my options were limited. My expectations are modest.

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Our last place song however is an exception to what I just said. I feel like the person who submitted this song fully expected to either finish last or first, so I’m granting that wish. Furthermore I feel like maybe I was being tested a little bit to see if I was “musically cool” enough. A test I fail with flying colors.

I’ll let the youtube comments on our last place entry tease it in:


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You can also just say “My expectations are Pauwl”


Pauwling this category is a fine result.


Pyatnitski with the Captain Beefheart in the library

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I don’t know how long you were waiting for the opportunity to use that image, but wp sky.

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i can break the curse and say without a doubt that i did NOT get last place. My submission doesn’t have that many youtube comments :stuck_out_tongue:


rofl, I literally just found it as i was writing the post. My first thought on seeing the tramadol + prosecco combo was “holy jesus fuck” then I just amended it for the situation

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What is really interesting to me is that there are many entries where it’s almost certainly Goatnitski or Jalfrezi. I don’t always guess which one of them it is, but I don’t think I have been wrong that it came from either of those two legends.

Excellent. There really should be a Walrus image for every situation imo.

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TBH, I was quite shocked when I googled “walrus jesus” and more than one image came up

You weren’t kidding.