Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

You can also just say “My expectations are Pauwl”


Pauwling this category is a fine result.


Pyatnitski with the Captain Beefheart in the library

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I don’t know how long you were waiting for the opportunity to use that image, but wp sky.

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i can break the curse and say without a doubt that i did NOT get last place. My submission doesn’t have that many youtube comments :stuck_out_tongue:


rofl, I literally just found it as i was writing the post. My first thought on seeing the tramadol + prosecco combo was “holy jesus fuck” then I just amended it for the situation

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What is really interesting to me is that there are many entries where it’s almost certainly Goatnitski or Jalfrezi. I don’t always guess which one of them it is, but I don’t think I have been wrong that it came from either of those two legends.

Excellent. There really should be a Walrus image for every situation imo.

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TBH, I was quite shocked when I googled “walrus jesus” and more than one image came up

You weren’t kidding.


Walrus is the way, the truth and the life.


I mean if we are waiting ten minutes between introductions to reveal and actual reveal we gonna be here all night

maybe the tramadol kicked in early


Maybe he snorted the 'dol?

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Your last place finisher by a wide margin, scoring 2 points in suzzer likability, and 3 points in category fit:

Moonlight On Vermont by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band

Captain Beefheart - Moonlight On Vermont

Beefheart welding his own take of Give Me That Old Time Religion onto the end of a rock song is a bit of a shock when you first hear it and what’s more it’s anthemic.

This song somehow managed to impressively fill both these bills from my preliminary post earlier about the kind of music I hadn’t run into yet:

Confession: until this I had never listened to a Captain Beefheart song. I always assumed they were in the category of hipster rock before I was born, just based on who was into them and how they were discussed.

And I get it, this song is actually pretty interesting. I can see where this band was probably hugely influential. A band’s band. I hear echoes of a lot of more accessible stuff that came after. Maybe these guys are to Buffalo Springfield as My Bloody Valentine is to Smashing Pumpkins.

But whoo boy do I not really want to sit down and listen to it again. Maybe with the right drugs. I feel like there’s always bands like this that are hugely influential, and if you listen close are doing really interesting things - I’d put Pavement (and worse Malkmus solo), The Replacements, some Sonic Youth, a lot of Radiohead in that category. Basically anything a couple of my college buddies were deeply into. White Stripes later on.

I like some songs from all those bands and I respect the hell out of them. But then I’d go back to my dorm room and listen to KLF or something. I’m just a basic bro into my catchy beats and rhythms and melodies I guess.

Oh yeah - I tried twice to find the big break to a different element. But it’s pretty tough to argue that disjointed screeching changes to a whole different kind of disjointed screeching imo. I couldn’t find it.


I’m writing these from my notes as I go, so each one will take a bit.

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oh man, i think we missed a step







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and whoever else i might have missed

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Oh, I am QUITE confident my entry is next