Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

While we‘re waiting for the Tramadol to kick in…

Thanks to miliboo for yesterday’s reveal.

I don’t know what that means therefore I am going to assume it’s a huge compliment. Listening to the podium made it quite clear that I never had a chance. That just wasn’t for me.


In 12th place (@seities - there are 13 and I didn’t miss one right?), scoring 4 points in suzzer likability and 5 points in category fit:

Your submission: “Fill Her Up” - Sting (with James Taylor)
Link to submission:

Sting - Fill Her Up

Any commentary (optional): Ok. This is more like 3 in 1, but I thought of it immediately. Just, stick with it. The lyrical and musical journeys here are amazing.

I have kind of a complicated rollercoaster relationship with Sting. I’ll love one phase, then abhor the next. Right after I listened to this - Brand New Day started autoplaying on youtube - and unfortunately I projectile vomited all over my keyboard before I could get to the pause button.

I really like the way this song starts out. I’m a sucker for country beats, and I was expecting something like the Mark Knopfler/Emmylou Harris stuff - which I absolutely love.

But then the back up singers came in at around 1:50 (singing “big ol cash box” or something) and just lost me. The tone was so weird. I couldn’t tell if they were male or female - which I guess could be cool? But wasn’t working here for me at all. It was like really really cheesy white Temptations backing up a country song. I could almost picture an SNL skit with some backup singer mugging for the camera and stealing the show.

I marked the song lower (but not bottom) on category fit because as the comments pointed out, it really was more like two or three songs in one, not so much a different ending. I wish they’d just stuck to the first one.


Yes you should have 13 entries

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i guess the irony of this song was too much for your prosecco-muddled mind. ARGH.

I guess submitting adult contemporary did not work out.

At least I beat Captain fucking Beefheart


One tramadol should be ok. Two would be blast off. But the fun things about tramadol bought in Mexico is that every brand is completely different. Some do nothing. Some render you so you literally can’t form coherent sentences. (All mixed with alcohol obviously - otherwise you’re just doing them for pain or something.)

This one is kinda like E. Two and I’d be up until 4am. I did 3 one time and didn’t sleep until like 10am. So weird.


Ohhhhh, this is good news for my quest to not finish on the bottom. Dont let me down Suzz

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I like the irony and take out those backup singers and it would be much much higher. But they just came flying in to that song from outerspace and wrecked it for me.

I’ll happily take the final nodium spot as it means the pauwl streak continues and you mark a return to form

In 11th place, scoring a dead average 5 in suzzer likability and 5 in category fit:

Submission: The Game - Disturbed

I absolutely cannot get enough of this dude’s voice. That Sounds of Silence remake is on my heavy rotation.

So I was excited to hear another song from them besides that and Down with the Sickness. But just nothing really got me going in this song - except for the velvety smooth voice. It just seems to me like a standard song you’d hear in the background at the gym and not really care about either way.

And yeah it changes a little at the end, but that seems to be their thing - switching tempos and arrangements throughout the song.


Ok whew - we almost had a disaster where I didn’t notice 10th place and skipped them. I sorted my Excel spreadsheet now so all good.

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In 10th place, scoring 7 in suzzer likability but 4 in category fit:

Your submission: The pistolas - Take it with a kiss

Link to submission:

This was the only song I didn’t make much notes for. Perfectly fun punk anthem. I would listen again.

But it got a 4 because the big transition really felt like more of a bridge.

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Still in it?

Ok we have our first tie score. When there was a tie score I went with likability over category fit. If they were still tied, I went with which song do I think I’d listen to more before I got tired of it.

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Staying Alive

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This was me. Obv I thought I did enough to count as a changeup but I expected to Pauwl the category, and Pauwl the category I did.


That song goes on and on and on and on and on and on…


In 9th place, scoring 7 in suzzer likability and 5 in category fit:

Your submission: Nanowar Of Steel – Norwegian Reggaeton
Link to submission:
Norwegian Reggaeton - song and lyrics by NanowaR of Steel, Charly Glamour, Gigatron | Spotify

Norwegian Reggaeton definitely wins most unique genre. I loved the hook n the reggaeton part, the metal stuff was a little boring, the transition ok. The Reggaeton was surprisingly really good. I felt like I was back on my trip in Latin America and just really digging the sound. I would definitely listen to this again.

I boosted them a whole point for Cranberries Zombie riff.

I counted off on category because the song didn’t change much once it got going. Since the contestant left no note - I wasn’t sure if they were trying to say the 30 seconds of waves crashing at the end of the video was the new element.

Either way I was trying to ignore all videos. So unless the actual song has 30 seconds of waves at the end I don’t count it. And if it did I’d probably like the song less. Just gimme the reggaeton.

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haha yeah…I think of every song I submitted I actually cared about that one the least, I was just having trouble finding a good match for what Suzzer wanted.

It was a hard category if a song didn’t just jump out at you.

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That‘s the twist.