Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I think it is also because this was the last one I submitted from memory, so maybe a bit of fatigue in trying to find stuff. Pyatnitski had a similar issue when submitting for my category too.

Appreciating your reveals though! Perhaps there is a niche market for selling your wine/trama concoction as a reveal-beverage.

Surely this shoulda been submitted to Yuv’s category???

A note to that effect probably wouldn’t have resulted in a higher score, but at least I wouldn’t be confused. It was like a 10 second riff then they went right back to the song.


Ok time for more Prosecco.


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Was totally unsure about this category. Happy to be top 8.

The song ends at about the 4:30 mark. See spotify link.

I think I’m going to start submitting the same songs over and over. I’ve only done 3 or 4 of these and I can’t remember which songs I submitted.

I don’t have spotify.


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OK, Boomer.

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I don’t have spotify either.



I didn’t either until God-King Elon let me stream it directly into my car through the car’s data plan

OH SHIT. We have our first tramadol-induced screw up.

My review for the Pistolas should have been for Terminal Love to Hell with the Boys. The place for Pistolas is correct, but the review is totally wrong. Hold on lemme fix.

In 8th place, scoring 7 in suzzer likability and 6 in category fit:

Your submission: Guns n’ Roses - Rocket Queen
Link to submission:
Any commentary (optional): OK it’s like the last 2 minutes of the track, but I love the transformation from just another hard rock track on this album into ballad, total change of lyric tone as well, it’s almost like a new song except it works perfectly and elevates the song. Side note: the earlier audio of a woman gasping and moaning and stuff is genuine audio of Axl fucking his girlfriend.

Not gonna lie - my first thought was - oh man I have to listen to all of Rocket Queen? Can’t I just score it w/o listening? It’s always been that song on Appetite to me that you don’t hate enough to skip, but you don’t really get excited about either.

But I gave it a listen and it sounded really good! Maybe it’s even aged better than some of the others. People give Nirvana credit for destroying the hair bands. But GnR was at least a shot across the bow imo. I have a ton of respect for them.

I knocked it a little for category because I don’t think switching back and forth between ballad and rocking mode is really that unique for a hard rock band?

Also as soon as the comment mentioned ballad, I couldn’t help but think of this GWAR parody of a GnR/Poison/Motley Crue/etc power ballad:

Kids if you’ve never seen Phallus in Wonderland - you’re in for a treat. Watch the whole thing, just be sure to be at least hyper-baked first. If not tripping balls.

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I don’t think I could have done worse than the last place I got from Yuv.

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Goddamit this is a disaster. I blame Excel. The Boys should actually be in 7th. Writing up 8th now.

In 7th place, after accidentally getting them mixed up with the Pistolas in 10th, scoring 7 in suzzer likability and 7 in category fit:

Your submission: Title - Artist Terminal Love - The Boys

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional): the twist is they realised the song was a bit derivitave so decided to head of any criticism by openly playing the song they copied

I liked this song. And as I was sitting there listening to it while I put away the dishes I was like - why does this song sound so familiar? Then they broke into Knockin on Heaven’s Door - which is what the song basically is riffing on. So I thought was pretty cool.

It remind’s me of a Nirvana live bootleg my friend has where they start off playing the guitar riff from Boston - More than a Feeling, then segue right into Smells Like Teen Spirit - and you realize it’s basically the same riff. (Or maybe that was on a live album they put out, I don’t remember.)

The category fit was good in that it had the big Knockin on Heaven’s door riff - and I give a lot of creativity points for that. But I didn’t give it the max score because afterwards they went back to the same song.


I have no idea what is going on. A bunch of shit has been revealed. My song hasn’t come up, yet I still feel like I could come in anywhere between 1st and 13th.


Damn, nodium killing my chance at overall podium

The Game is a top 3 Disturbed song so I was hoping you’d enjoy it; I’ll just choose to believe that if you had listened to the whole song 5 or 6 times instead of 3 then it woulda been much higher

I also thought it was more than a 5 on category fit as that last 20 seconds changes from anything earlier musically and lyrically


I believe 13-7 have been revealed and only the top 6 are left

I actually feel better with the updated review.

Also, at this rate of decline I predict this to be the state of Suzzer by the time we reach the podium:


The electorate‘s confidence in the process has been shattered. Clearly this reveal will always come with an asterisk.