GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Right, and I think that if you do that day after day after day trying to build a social media following then eventually you’re just throwing out meaningless bullshit without even thinking about it. Eventually producing vapid content is like brushing your teeth, you just string together a bunch of words without thinking about it.


What not offering chattering interpretations of yourself to vindiation your worth looks like,

Oh he’s this guy. Of course.

After scanning his feed, I take it back, he’s not a 3rd-way bro. He’s a religious nutbag with a humiliation fetish.

I despise all the nonsense that people put out there about “manifesting” shit.


Weird that X pays him in cash…

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This is the most bizarre own-goal I’ve seen in politics in a while.

One of my favourite conversations at Oxford uni was meeting a first year physicist who also believed the world was 6000 years old

He knew enough about physics to realise that there was some pretty strong evidence that needed to be explained.

I.e. red shift. Light changes spectrum the further it is away from us when it originated. He was currently wrestling with the idea that God created the universe 6000 years ago, which included a bunch of light particles that were created mid flight.

I.e. like they were a billion years into a billion year plus 6000 year journey, just so they would look like they came from really far away when he personally measured light in a telescope present day

Of course. By the time he was a second year physicist he stopped believing in a young universe.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you aren’t wrestling with these contradictions to the same extent.


These guys shower in the same room and commit violence against each other every day. Physics means nothing when you have the desire to win that Reid and company do.

You are the reason why shows like first take exist

The funny thing about this is he was still a top 3 TE. He just had a down year for Kelce.

JFC, I thought this was a Twitter satire account but it isn’t.

Could probably just repost everything the guy tweets under a satire account and nobody would ever think you were serious.

Kind of a reverse Poe’s law

Liberal college professors brainwashed him, ldo.


Miss me with your bs.

The simp take is “if Kelce was black.”

Is Dallas for real this year?

Is Daniel Jones the answer?

Looking forward to what the eye test tells you.

And you’re right, it is the simple explanation that if Kelce was black you would be calling him a thug.

But since he is white you think he just wants it more.


Time to play a game. Three questions in this one.

  1. What was this man a professor of?
  2. Why was he ultimately suspended?
  3. Does he provide any actual evidence of being cancelled?


  1. Economics
  2. Sexual harassment
  3. No

Let’s see how I did.

lol what do I win

an existential crisis?

Their podcast is really popular. Much more than just nfl fans. It has one of the biggest audiences out there. Although has been juiced by Taylor fans lately.

I don’t watch the podcast but I see clips on tiktok. I am tempted to watch it. Guys seem pretty chill and fun.

Dude bragging about having sex five times.

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