GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

He had a high motor and is a team player



I would say that the re-acceptance of the John Birch Society is the final stage of the GOP’s disintegration, but of course that’s hopelessly naive.

Is the GOP not wanting to fund Ukraine based solely on Putin helping Trump in 2016 and Zelenskyy not wanting to help Trump by pretending to investigate Biden?

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IVF is one of those things that seems like an unquestionable good and you have to ask yourself what the fuck do these people have against a good thing?

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IVF gives women choices. Therefore it is bad.

It’s really nothing more complex than that.


Breathlessly awaiting the ruling that sperm are children

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What are the implications of this exactly? Presumably IVF is still OK to do. You can’t destroy unused embryos, but who has to store them indefinitely and who keeps track of that?

Put them in apartments we are keeping the homeless from having.


I assume it’s like a lot of the rules around women’s healthcare - it’s unclear and scary enough to keep the providers from wanting to go anywhere near it.

What happens when the implantation fails and the embryo “dies”?

Just a thought experiment…

Another thought experiment:

Someone should sue saying that the congressional districts are all wrong. I’m assuming that most of the frozen embryos are in big cities.

If the embryos are children, they should be counted in the population.

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What happens when they mark you?


so new grift just dropped.

  1. move to alabama
  2. freeze some embryos
  3. claim 50-75 dependents on tax returns and all other possible benefits since they are full humans
  4. ???
  5. profit
  6. move the fuck out of alabama

Sounds like natural a causes to me. Definitely not murder, as the intent is the exact opposite of that. Maybe some wingnut could spin it into a lesser killing charge.

paging @SweetSummerChild

May I repeat:

Sorry, let me elucidate. The people who ruled on this and the leadership of Alabama are these wingnuts. They WILL use this ruling to call it murder…which is why this will kill IVF. Women aren’t gonna risk getting charged and doctors aren’t gonna want to do it.

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You’re really going to have to finish that thought. I think IVF gives men choices as well, but setting that aside, you have to draw the line between the law and less access to IVF. I think that you were heading in the right direction with your thought experiment, but I’m looking for something concrete. What will actually happen? It’s obviously a dumb and unnecessary law, but that’s not the question.

LFS had a decent hypothesis:

But I’m not sure that’s how it will go down. With abortion, how a provider could get into trouble is a lot more clear.