GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight

Many of my views are falsifiable. For example, if a dog ever gives birth to a cat I can no longer argue against trans-speciation.

None of my views rely on an omnipotent being doing miracles to fool us.

Thanks for asking!

How old is the earth again?

I do NOT “reject science.” Science is a wonderful thing. Science and scientists have been a great blessing to virtually all of us. But, like anything else, there is good science (which is based on testability, observability, repeatability, etc.), and bad science which is NOT based on testability, observability, repeatability, and so on.

My views on cosmogony are based on my understanding of the Holy Bible, not on science.

Addendum: “Particles to People” Evolutionism ain’t based on science either.

One is unlikely to get good theology, let alone good science, from the majority of Sunday School teachers imo.

‘Psychological reductionism is the last refuge for someone without an argument.’ - Dennis Prager


Even William F. Buckley, Jr. thought the Bircher’s were fruitier than nutcakes.

In my opinion, roughly 6,000 years old.

How big do you think the universe is?

The same Dennis Prager who is pro-marital rape, anti-vax and pro-Sandusky? That is who you are shaping your life and worldview around?

This topic really should really be moved to another thread. (even tho your views are mostly held by the insane GOP lol). I do enjoy tackling this subject if only to sharpen my debating skills, which I am admittedly weak at

You know there are different methods of dating, not just one as Mr.Wookie points out. And they all point to a 4.5 billion year old earth. It’s not just that you’re off by a little. You’re off by a magnitude of 750,000 fold

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Holy shit, that is a thing?

There are a lot of hardcore Christians who realize the Earth is 4+ billion years old.

What’s wrong with Gerry Sandusky? Dude’s been great for football.



This may be the least credible thing you have said itt imo.

This is a dead give away he is just fucking with you all. He is literally just spewing decades old Wikipedia arguments. It’s 100% pure trolling. He doesn’t believe a word of what he is writing.


We directly observe deep into the past!


But Christianity and those specific facts aren’t in conflict if you don’t believe the 6k idea. You can believe in dinosaurs, the red shift, carbon dating, etc. Christianity or any religion isn’t fully compatible with all facts but Christianity is compatible with a lot more facts if you don’t believe one guy’s half assed theory.

That wasn’t the question. I didn’t ask about dating. We may get to that later.

Is the radioactive decay of Carbon 14 and the rate at which it occurs a scientific fact?