GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

I think the list of proof we need to finally get Matt Gaetz is longer than the list Dave Chappelle needed to find R. Kelly guilty

This seems to be confusing two things, his job and his marital status.

Women are property to be used, goddammit.


Maybe (probably not), but heā€™s in a district thatā€™s like Trump +30, so his replacement would be just as horrible politics-wise.

lol the Lawbros assured me he was going to jail like 3 years ago when his fellow pedo drug addict flipped on him


Hey smart guy, someone replied to me days later.

Iā€™m not saying it negates Kelce body of work. In that moment he was displaying toxic masculinity.

If you think putting hands on someone in anger/being fired up isnā€™t toxic masculinity you view things differently than me. That is ok.

We all have a societal responsibility for watching football too. They are gladiators and I understand emotions run high.

Maybe I should frame it this way, if Bosa did the same thing to his coach how would you all feel?

I mean this with the upmost respect but you donā€™t understand what it means if you think talking about art and crying mean you canā€™t display toxic masculinity in other situations.

What specific behaviour have they done that shows they are toxic?

Reid is like a father to those guys and the only pro coach Kelce has had. I look at it like a family dispute. Doesnā€™t make it ok, but I donā€™t see it in the light of someone who has real issues with their head coach. Those guys love each other to death.


Yeah and Reid handled it like a pro. Reidā€™s reaction displayed healthy masculinity.

I agree with your point and I was probably to hard on Kelce that day. Overall he is a good dude.

Still possible to display toxic masculinity in a moment, even if you are a good dude.

Yeah that was over the line. Kelce was on one the whole playoffs for some reason. I think he got tired of looking bad in front of his girlfriend.

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Iā€™m not going to talk about it anymore, itā€™s clear Iā€™m in the minority here and thatā€™s fine, I still like all of you.



there is no way theyā€™re expelling gaetz now, the margin is too thin. they could have him on tape personally performing partial birth abortions and theyā€™d at most strip his committee assignments


Very sane people


this person isnā€™t serious is he? he has to be clowning on these guys. ā€œstylish man purseā€ seems to be the give away.

I think that when people are chronically online and just flipping back and forth between various phony posturing identities, they just lose track. At some point if you are constantly cranking out posts to try to attract social media traffic, and trying to get amplified through various culture war channels AND be a Cool Commenter that uses winking ironic statements that your audience is supposed to ā€œgetā€, then all of the bullshit gets jumbled together eventually.


This guy seems more like a wellness/eco-friendly 3rd-way-bro than a MAGA chud (although he probably still voted for Trump). 3rd-way bros understand irony and are somewhat self-aware.

Right, and I think that if you do that day after day after day trying to build a social media following then eventually youā€™re just throwing out meaningless bullshit without even thinking about it. Eventually producing vapid content is like brushing your teeth, you just string together a bunch of words without thinking about it.


What not offering chattering interpretations of yourself to vindiation your worth looks like,

Oh heā€™s this guy. Of course.

After scanning his feed, I take it back, heā€™s not a 3rd-way bro. Heā€™s a religious nutbag with a humiliation fetish.