GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


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One of the other 6 mods takes action on it, by rule.

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I listened because I doubted she’d say something quite that incoherent. I was wrong.


Yes, of course this can be true.

No, I don’t think Glenn is a true Nazi or whatever. But cmon, he knows who his audience is and he knows how he can build credibility with them. We don’t have to pretend this is unknowable, we can state with reasonably high probability that this picture is probably in the background as a Nazi dogwhistle.


So I just googled Glen Beck Joe Lewis and apparently that isn’t a photograph, it’s a painting that Beck made. This is the first and only Glen Beck clip I’m going to watch:

Cliffs? I can’t watch that shit.

and here I only thought we’d get mockery lul that wasn’t an insurrection stuff and but BLM riots in here today

It’s really not great, admittedly. But the painting is called “The Birth of a Champion”:

So to Beck that moment is about how Lewis lost to an inferior fighter and then realized his mistake in underestimating Schmeling and then pulled himself up by his bootstraps and beat him in the first round two years later. So, lol, he made a fucken painting of it.

That’s the first minute and a half of the video, he then tries to tie that in to how Trump needs to build the wall or something, didn’t really follow it to be honest.

“joe Lewis”

Yeah, he was really interested in that man’s struggle.


God damn it, you fuckers, it’s Joe Louis.


That was my point.

I was typing it out before you posted, then I got in a poker hand.

Never seen them, but Vermont might not be representative.

Could be that he’s functionally illiterate just like me (I made the same mistake even though I’m sure if I was asked is it Lewis or Louis I’d answer Louis 100% of the time if I thought about it for half a second instead of just hammering away at the keyboard). I’ll concede that he could have painted that as a dogwhistle and the Birth of a Champion is just an elaborate troll, which, honestly, you kind of have to respect the effort. Like he did a whole fucken painting!

Beck doesn’t happen to have any paintings of Heinrich Harrer with corresponding videos espousing lessons to be drawn between the conquest of The Eiger Nordwand and repelling migrant caravans, does he?

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It is an iconic boxing photo, much like the one with Ali over Frazier. I wouldn’t think twice if some sports fan or bar had it hung up, as opposed to a photo of Hitler or Stalin or Strom Thurmond. But, if I were widely known as a fascist or fascist adjacent, I would probably avoid having it as my zoom background.

Apparently Glenn Beck is a man who sometimes has way too much “awareness” and other times way too little. However, points for using an image that triggers libs while maintaining some level of deniability.

Not falling for it. They will be back. Surprise is the Ninja’s chief weapon. Just like

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