GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

By Glenn Beck? If it was some rando boxing aficionado I might concede the point, but not for someone who has made a living with dog whistles and white nationalist rhetoric. Beck has engaged in some of the most offensive anti-Semitic imagery ever purposely shown on American television. He’s been instrumental in turning Soros into the right’s favorite boogeyman while claiming he aided the Nazis against his own people.


Can you do Tucker Carlson next?

Sure, just post some dumb stuff about him and I’ll jump right in.

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Trump tried to seize power 1 year ago today.


I mean attack him for that if that’s what he’s done, I’m not all that familiar with him. Don’t attack him for having a picture of a guy we can agree is a lot more complicated and interesting than a Nazi darling, which he was from 1936 when he beat Lewis to 1938 when he lost to Lewis.

Small potatoes. 28 years ago today.



Now the entire paragraph sounds silly.

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Your good faith detector makes you an awesome pick for defending this forum against trolls.


The guy yes. The symbolism of the picture and the event surrounding it, not so much.

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what hppens when you report a mod post to the mods?


It’s not about what Schmeling actually was. It’s about what Schmeling represents to Glenn Beck and, more importantly, what Glenn wants Schmeling to represent to everyone who sees his background. We aren’t critiquing Schmeling’s life, we’re critiquing Glenn Beck’s choice to put a photo of Schmeling in the background of his video calls. In critiquing this choice, we should be using all the information we have available to us about who Glenn Beck is and what Glenn Beck believes (and how Glenn Beck currently makes money), and armed with this information of course the first assumption should be that this person is in Glenn Beck’s background because of the Nazi connection.

If someone had a Hitler picture I wouldn’t wonder whether he was actually a fan of his painting. If someone had a Reagan picture I wouldn’t assume that it was because they really liked his acting. If someone had a Chris Columbus picture… well idk who would have that but you get the point. Just because historical figures are complicated doesn’t mean that we can’t possibly know what symbol they represent to those that choose to display them.


stay vigilant

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lol in typing that my mind immediately went to the Sopranos episode and I thought about writing “because he was Italian”. He wasn’t even fucking Italian, Italy wasn’t a thing at the time.


lol what post do you want to report? In any case go for it and I’ll let my colleagues deal with it.

Well my original post was that Schmeling wasn’t a Nazi darling. I’ll concede that he was from 1936-1938, but he defied Hitler and was then subsequently drafted and sent to the front lines. Was he a Nazi darling then? My point is that Schmeling is an interesting enough figure for there to be many different reasons to display that picture. Same with Lewis, actually. That was a pivotal moment in his life, too. He badly underestimated Schmeling and got his ass kicked because of it. I don’t know why Beck has that picture on his wall, there can be a hundred reasons, some good, some bad. If you want to assign the worst possible motives for everything he does why does it even matter? He’s already tautologically a Nazi in your mind, everything he does is further evidence of his Nazism.

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This is me, note dates.

I had to stay tuned for nearly 6 years, but we got there!

If you want to claim that fascism is right-wing, we can have that argument again. It certainly was in certain European contexts.


But in America, at least until recently, the right was committed to Anglo-American definitions of conservatism that are definitionally antithetical to fascism.

No they fucking weren’t. He’s still not willing to concede that only 1% of the right, in his little bubble at National Review, ever gave a shit about any of that stuff. What changed isn’t that people stopped caring, what changed is that they stopped feeling like they needed to pretend to care.



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Bayes theorem, though.

This is truly amazing. This guy is claiming others are racist and his punishment was too harsh and the system is unfair. You hate to see it.