GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

He was a paratrooper. Many German men served in the German armed forces in the period from 1939-1945 iirc.

First thought was Hayes might be mixed up and somehow adding in elements from the much earlier fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Jefferies, an avowed racist who nevertheless acknowledged that Johnson kicked his ass. That was before Nazis were a thing though.


Whoa. Here’s an odd footnote.

On May 24, 2018, Johnson was formally pardoned by U.S. President Donald Trump.

The crime apparently had something to do with bullshit charges for consorting with white women.

While Schmeling did not support the Nazis and never joined the party, he “enjoyed a comfortable relationship” with them. He gave the Nazi salute in the ring after beating American Steve Hamas in Munich. He went hunting with Nazi military leader Herman Göring and attended the annual rallies in Nuremburg.

In his native land, Schmeling was regarded as a hero and promoted by the Nazi propaganda machine as a perfect example of German supremacy over the rest of the world by virtue of his defeat of the current champion, Louis. The government ordered parades and rallies in his honor. He became a friend to Hitler and other powerful figures in the government and also a popular subject of newspaper articles and films.
Max Schmeling - Wikipedia

No darling, you’re the darling.


Yes I’m certain that’s why he’d have a picture of 1930s white German hitting a Black American. Because they were friends.

Are you seriously suggesting that’s Glenn Becks motivation for having that picture viewable in frame?



Sure, he didn’t say FU Hitler in '36 when he won. He’s not the mythical Good German, who really doesn’t exist. He did what the vast majority of Germans would have done in his shoes. Except probably better as most Germans would have fired his Jewish manager like Hitler wanted.

The defeat was a devastating blow to the Black community in America because Louis had become a symbol of enormous pride.

Of all the things to commemorate and celebrate, picking an image of literal white supremacy might be a tell.

Or maybe we should give Glenn Beck the benefit of the doubt.


He was actually a stand up dude who risked his life to save some kids he didn’t even know during Kristallnacht. But to claim he wasn’t the darling of the Nazi’s is nowhere even close to reality.

Not only was he a pallbearer at the Louis funeral, he financed it and helped the family with money before and after JL passed.

When Louis died in 1981, Schmeling paid for his funeral and entrusted Lewin with an envelope full of money for the great boxer’s widow.


The picture on beck’s wall was essentially used as nazi propaganda regardless of Schmeling’s personal politics. If Beck admired Schmeling for other reasons this would be a weird photo to pick to display in a prominent location.


I was expecting a lot more insanity today.

10 hours to go east coast time.

I also think that Schmeling’s “Nazi” label was driven a lot by American propaganda in support of Joe Louis. It’s hard to believe that the US media would every mislead anyone about anything, but I guess it was just a different time.

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#Not all German soldiers regarded as a hero and promoted by the Nazi propaganda machine as a perfect example of German supremacy over the rest of the world

(description from Wiki)

The only thing that matters here is Glenn Freakin Beck’s intent. As mentioned before, very hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. He can claim whatever he wants about Max’ history, but guarantee he knows exactly how the base interprets that photo. Any other conclusion is pure idiocy.

Didnt he try to tack anti-Trump and then retreat when it hit his wallet?


Got some!

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Oh yeah, I agree. I am just saying there’s an interesting history there in addition to the obvious Glenn Beck idiocy.

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He wasn’t a darling in 1938 when he lost. But what Hayes is doing is reducing Schmeling to a Nazi darling when who he actually was was vastly more complicated, and there could very well be good and non Nazi-sympathetic reasons to display that picture. Because as you say he wasn’t a bad dude.

Gaetz can walk into the Capitol, drop trow, take a dump on the floor, smear it down the hall and call it “a legitimate argument about election integrity” if he wants to, but he’s not going to be any closer to convincing me.

I appreciate you defending Glenn Beck. He might not be a bad guy after all. I’m sure he has the best intentions.

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Keep me posted.