GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

@hey_you curious if you read this post or just called it a day after German Guy’s post

Yeah man, all those gay (or thought to be gay) men who were forced to wear upside pink triangles in the Nazi concentration camps only did it because they were jealous of the gold stars and wanted to steal that Jewish flair. It has nothing to do with the fact that the Nazis, in addition to their hatred of and persecution of Jews ALSO targeted other groups/identities that deviated from the “pure” society they wanted to create



No, I hadn’t gotten that far. I can’t keep up with everything.

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What the fuck is going in this thread.

AQ coming in with some interesting and lesser known history to revisit common understandings of history.

And people jump on him with well actually bullshit?

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Well NMW, not exactly people.

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Is this guy an well known poster under a different name?

I’m not paying attention. But he seemed to come out of no where with really aggressive shitty takes a few months ago.

Nobody said they didn’t?

Chad coming in and stating “the infamous book burning had to do ALL with gender studies” is the appropriation. Do try and keep up.

The dude that was wrong and lecturing GermanGuy about Nazi book burning definitely deserves nothing but approbation.

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I kinda doubt you knew you knew the info AQ posted or the significance of the pink triangle… But even if you did your response to his post was to get big mad about “misappropriating” the Holocaust. Even if he did overstate the case (which I’m not sure he did), I think there’s more value in taking a moment to reflect on why LGBTQ people (correctly) view current anti-trans laws/discussion as just another part of a larger history rather than something new that just popped up out of thin air in the last few years than there is in whining about some “misappropriation.”


NMW being the most active poster is really a great turn for the forum…


Coincidentally I spent a few hours today at the Topography of Terror site in Berlin which went through a lot of the history of the Nazis from 1933-1945 or so. Two of our takeaways were how easily so many of the perpetrators got away post-war, presumably at the hands of the US, and how much of the violence was targeted towards non-Jews, which notably included homosexuals. Not taking a side in this discussion, more just making a commentary on US holocaust education where we only hear about the violence against Jewish people (which is certainly deserving and should be the headline) but then it never gets mentioned how there was so much additional violence against queers, socialists, communists, gypsies, etc etc etc.


Just opened this thread and sincerely don’t want to know WTF is happening here, but I feel like all of these groups being targeted by the Nazis is very common knowledge. That was definitely taught to me in school.


That could easily be a Me thing, but I really don’t think it’s that widely known in the USA how much Holocaust violence extended beyond just Jewish people. I’d expect this group to be much more knowledgeable but I’m talking about off-the-street folks, if you were to ask them.

The 500,000 Sinti/Romani number blew my mind today.

And I guarantee there’s very little acknowledgement of Nazi violence vs socialists/communists, because that’s baddies vs baddies in USA mindset

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Ok my 14 year old covered the holocaust this year and just told me they only taught about Jews being killed. He claims it is news to him that other groups were targeted. It should be noted he is not well known for paying attention to anything ever. My 18 year old thinks it was taught and he just missed it. So :man_shrugging:t2:


I think it depends a lot on the school. We definitely didn’t talk about the gays, but we briefly covered some of the other groups (mostly in the context of reading the First they came for… poem and noting that the Nazis did, in fact, come for those other groups)


(from three years ago, in the previous cycle and apparently before I blocked the green forum)

Yeah; lol at needing to be “educated” that the Nazis targeted ~everyone that wasn’t specifically them. Hokie sounds like a 3rd grader.

Lol at the “cool club for cool kids” zero content poster chiming in.

I don’t think that’s got to work. I mean everyone knew Uncle Tom was black.

Uncle Thom