GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Lots of books were burned soon after, but this is where it started (and certainly not a coincidence that Magnus Hirschfeld was Jewish).

The burnings start

German students and Nazi SA members plunder the library of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, Director of the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin

The first large burning came on 6 May 1933. The German Student Union made an organised attack on Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (roughly: Institute of Sex Research). Its library and archives of around 20,000 books and journals were publicly hauled out and burned in the street. Its collection included unique works on intersexuality, homosexuality, and transgender topics.



In USA we are taught that it “all began” with “one book burning” but of course not told what was burnt. So I’m kinda directly speaking to the USAians and their very ignorant ideas about this all being a new phenomenon. Like “we’ve solved everything else, so they had to move on to the transgender thing” is so fucking stupid.

These fascists absolutely were not ignorant or apathetic about gender stuff at any point in your lives or your parents or grandparents lives

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The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. These included books written by Jewish, half-Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, and sexologistauthors among others.[1]

I was refering to one event, not the burnings plural

As opposed to the non-infamous burning of all that other stuff lol

Rolled? Slavery lasted 240+ years and then Jim Crow another 100+. Full misogyny until 1920. Not full equality on either front. Marriage equality just happened in the last decade. And many of these fronts the gains are in retreat or at least threatened.

But this is pretty funny

You’ll take my word that what started it, was some small part of it

Ignorant optimism: this is their last resort

Realism: this is their tried and true method to snowball support, with kids and gender

Pride Bois co-opting the suffering of Nazi Germany. Much aggrieved.

Who can forget the Lee Atwater strategic manual on “trans kids”?

Gay people were on the same lists as Jews. No one is Co-opting anything.

The reason people are so ignorant about cis-het hegemony being such a violent, always present part of fascism is because the people writing and teach the history of things like Nazi Germany agreed with destroying things like that sexual institute, and agreed with sending gay people directly from the camps back to the prisons where they belonged.

This is not people jumping on trends. This is something that gets more attention now than it did then, BECAUSE these anti-trans actions and rallies are no longer near-universal societal values. This has been happening the whole time. The news did not focus on it until recently.


Like we all marvel from afar at Germany’s extensive anti-Nazi education. But a German guy is ignorant of these aspects not because they’re new; it’s the opposite.

GermanGuy wasn’t disputing that gender literature was part of the burning. I don’t think anyone is surprised that the Nazis burned literally everything that didn’t fit their narrow views. It’s well known that they burned a lot. I don’t know if they burned books on Hinduism but I would not be surprised!

Of course they’re intrinsically linked. These people believe that one of the ways “the Jew” plots to destroy society is through acceptance of gender bending. They gain supporters because people think “yeah that’s true, that does necessarily ruin society and cause us to become extinct”


Anyway good talk

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Is this from an Elon Musk tweet?


Lady G?

The Charmin Bears need a hobby, that’s all I’m sayin’.