GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Saw some court show that had an elderly attorney on a zoom call.

Picture to his left was Abe. Picture above his head was JFK. Picture to hi right was Abe, Trump, and couldn’t tell. The had drink glasses and their was an American flag to Abe’s left.

Full on Q shit I suppose.

The art in my Brother’s Zoom call background is a rainbow color sheet of c notes and a picture of John Wayne. He’s a “Muh Taxes” Republican.

I don’t know what is weirder: the fact that this painting exists or that it does not incude Ulysses S. Grant - or considering the likely source, Andrew Jackson.

His work is cool with him having a literal white supremacist on his background?

If I don’t know he’s a white supremacist, they probably don’t either. Even if someone established that he is, the percentage of people who will associate him with that is tiny. This is also why I opposed removing Columbus statues until I learned what he did was worse than having bad opinions.

24 posts were split to a new topic: Bird Shit? Paintball Hate Crime? Let’s Investigate.

Trump will be doubling down on his Vance endorsement.


“America’s Hitler” might very well be the 2024 campaign slogan.

[frowny face Tucker Carlson] Was Hitler really as bad as Liberals say? Did Hitler ever call you racist? [/frowny face Tucker Carlson]


“Why shouldn’t I root for Hitler? Which I am.”



Oh, ok. It doesn’t seem so bad in context. :roll_eyes:

I mean he ain’t wrong.


Maybe JD Vance decided to try to take the nuttery down from the inside?

It’s bad in the context that he has now decided to fellate tRUmp to advance his own political career fully aware that Donny DumDum isn’t a cynical asshole like Nixon.

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I almost feel bad for Vance that his friend released that text.


Very smooth of that guy to hang on to that until after the endorsement

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So what do we think the odds are that Florida Man will unendorse after someone reads that to him?

Not much of a friend.

As it happens. I’ve saved a text from some douchebag uni acquaintance of mine talking about Africans having IQs of 70.

He wants to get into politics, that one is definitely coming out.


Guaranteed that isn’t even the part that sinks Vance in a week.

Expanding the party to working class black people is the true anchor around his neck here.


Careful, depending on the party that might just inflate his stock.