GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


Oh, ok. It doesn’t seem so bad in context. :roll_eyes:

I mean he ain’t wrong.


Maybe JD Vance decided to try to take the nuttery down from the inside?

It’s bad in the context that he has now decided to fellate tRUmp to advance his own political career fully aware that Donny DumDum isn’t a cynical asshole like Nixon.

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I almost feel bad for Vance that his friend released that text.


Very smooth of that guy to hang on to that until after the endorsement

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So what do we think the odds are that Florida Man will unendorse after someone reads that to him?

Not much of a friend.

As it happens. I’ve saved a text from some douchebag uni acquaintance of mine talking about Africans having IQs of 70.

He wants to get into politics, that one is definitely coming out.


Guaranteed that isn’t even the part that sinks Vance in a week.

Expanding the party to working class black people is the true anchor around his neck here.


Careful, depending on the party that might just inflate his stock.

One of the keys to the rightwing propaganda machine is a combination of relentless repetition and a sort of dripping snide certainty.

They decided “wokism in the military” is going to be a thing so it’s going to be a thing.


I confess I initially misread this headline and thought it was about what happened over 15 hours of mandatory diversity training.

But it’s almost worse than I anticipated, the point of this “news” story is (paragraph 1):

A retired Army Ranger said the military was a melting pot that already stamped out racist tendencies even before the Pentagon started launching initiatives.

The problem of course is that

“For us to be focusing organizational energy within the military on problems that don’t exist is worrisome,” Denman said.

Somewhat inconvenient fact reported if you get to paragraph 9:

A 2017 Military Times survey found that nearly one-quarter of troops polled said they witnessed White nationalism within the ranks.



White nationalism isn’t “racism”, duh. It’s just pride! HOW COME THE GAYS GET A WHOLE PRIDE PARADE AND I CAN’T BE PROUD OF MY RICH HERITAGE AS A WHITE MAN, HUH!?!?!?

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The only racism is black guys being allowed to say a word that white guys get in trouble for using, obviously.

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I’m not sure what you mean, I don’t even see color. Maybe you’re the racist one!

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Good lord

Jesus he just jumps on every hivemind issue and makes noise. It’s so stupid, so useless, and so very very effective with his target audience.

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lol, leave it to the boomer state to finally ruin twitter.

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A great firewall of Florida would be a massive win for this country/species.

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