GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

oof, so close yet so far

He’s so fucking good at this.
In case of deletion:

In addition to the number issue, the logic doesn’t even track.

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Are they stopping birds and butterflies?

Damn I hadn’t considered other species.

Is this for real


It’s not a colonoscopy, Marjorie. Maybe check with Hillary for some pointers.




The point was never to actually do it. The point is to make noise and get in the news. His base will love him for it, and then forget all about it in a few weeks when the grievance machine moves to something else.

Then later they’ll say something like “Desantis sure stuck it to Disney. That’s why I love my governor. He gets things done.” - even though he actually did nothing.


I support grooming Madison, Mason, and Mamie.

Only the black ones.


This is correct. The Morning Joe people were talking about it earlier. Highpitch Ron’s two current highest priorities at the moment are punishing Disney for going against him and punishing Twitter for going against Elon Musk. And he’s raised so much campaign $ from these issues (and others like it), hundreds of millions, that he probably won’t even be able to spend it all.

Meanwhile affordable housing in Florida is non-existent and healthcare costs continue to skyrocket while Florida refuses to take the Medicaid money. And Dems are so busy tripping over their own dicks that they can’t even make headway with it.


It’s not grooming if a Republican did it. It’s only grooming if a Democrat was accused of doing it, or actually did it.

It’s also not groping if a Republican did it. It was just locker room talk and shows how virile he is, and how his balls must be very tan. Fake news. And these women are liars. There will be lawsuits. And elections will be won, even when they’re lost, because fuck you.


Nah. “Grooming” is telling a gay kid he’s OK just the way he is. Groping teenagers is traditional family values.


Party of limited government! Also government should stick its nose into literally every issue that people have feelings about.

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We did it y’all, discrimination based on religion is now 100% legal.

Welcome to USA #1 where you can treat anybody however the fuck you like so long as sky daddy says its ok.

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