Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

I don’t have the time or desire to go scrolling back through the discussion so I’ll just use two recent posts by Marksman

I think he and others are pretty clearly arguing against this statement:


To clarify, I am also not here as a Greenwald stan. I just think some of you are forgetting who the enemy is. Hint: it’s not Glenn.


Greenwald resides in a country run by a fascist, who (imo) has an even-money chance of naming himself President For Life before the next election, who had ALREADY threatened him with jail. “What did he expect?” is not only a reasonable take in this instance, it is a correct one. It’s perfectly rational to be outraged by it, sure. But it is naive to the extreme to be surprised by it. Fascists gonna fascist man. It’s unfortunate that butts are hurt itt over this getting pointed out but them’s the breaks I guess.

Well I mean Mark is correct in that Glenn isn’t a journalist. He was one. He crossed the line from journalism into punditry long ago, though. Tune in to Tucker for more on this breaking news.

I agree with the notion that this doesn’t mean the First Amendment doesn’t apply to him. But Tyrant Bolo doesn’t gaf about any of that so imo he should get out while he can, if he can, and continue his work somewhere he and his family can be safe.

No one is surprised by this, surely least of all Glenn himself. But “haha, f you Glenn” is the 100% incorrect reaction to this. An authoritarian is chilling journalism critical of his corruption. The actions of this authoritarian have far-reaching consequences beyond the borders of Brazil–remember the Amazon fires? The spillover of civil rights violations and xenophobia? The enemy of my enemy is my friend; leftists and free speech advocates should be supporting Greenwald now, regardless of his past takes or punditry.

I’d say they should also be pressuring the US Government to support him, but lol let’s be real about those odds.


The “criticism” of GG has always been that “hey man, you know what sucks man? the government, man” or “those fat cats in Washington!” isn’t actually a political stance with a coherent ideology though many people mistakenly think it is and, furthermore, somehow think it’s leftist and are thus mad when they feel hoodwinked by South Park Republican Who Hates His Parents GG types. Of course he’s gonna side with Trump The Outsider over the capital-E-that-holy-shit-can’t-be-capitalized-big-enough Establishment. Even when if asked he’ll honestly admit that, hey, come to think of it, I don’t agree much with what those Trump and Tucker boys are saying! That’s what being ideologically vacant and bankrupt means.

That said, let the blind squirrel have his brazilian nut for God’s sake. He’s doing the Lord’s work down there.

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Put more succinctly, this.

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Greenwald is a journalist and a pundit, it’s possible to be both at once.

I just can’t believe that your take appears to be “when a fascist comes to power in your country, the smart thing to do from a personal safety perspective is to run away”. Like, sure? So what? Does that mean that he gets what’s coming to him? This is not a rhetorical question, I genuinely don’t understand the point of pointing out this mind-numbingly obvious fact.


I guess it’s about as useful as pointing out how horrible it is that a fascist would act like a fascist when things he doesn’t like are written about him.

The Brazilian constitution guarantees freedom of speech!

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Then he shouldn’t have any trouble beating the case.

Like, you wrote this:

What I don’t get is where this antagonism comes from, like, do you believe you’re a more useful person than Glenn Greenwald? To be as confrontational as I possibly can, suppose I have the choice between putting a bullet in your brain or in Greenwald’s, and I’m making my decision on what is best for the planet, then you’re going to be extremely dead. I just don’t get the impetus to be like “fuck him” when he’s out there actually taking on a fascist regime and you’re shitposting on a barely-read internet forum.


This is America and Trump were talking about here Yes?

Because Trump is a Fascist and his followers are Fascists and he’s promised to make himself king for life, yes?

Thank you… At last some common sence :v:

The argument is that GG has negative impact, I think.

meant to be a reply to @ChrisV

He might, because I get the sense that Brazil has some issues with corruption, so it’s possible that the rights that Greenwald is due as part of his fundamental human dignity and under the laws of Brazil won’t be respected. That possibility, I am very confident, does outrage and upset you, right?

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The argument appears to be that having the correct opinion on whether Trump is a pawn of Putin or whatever is more important than breaking big stories on corruption in a fascist government and refusing to back down under big pressure from said fascists. The thing that is really bizarre to me is the way that this refusal to back down is characterised in contemptuous terms, like it’s some really weapons-grade cognitive dissonance to characterise it that way just because you don’t like Greenwald.

Lol “Glenn Greenwald has done more than you ever will!” You got me there fuckboy. I’ll probably never win a Pulitzer.

And the 2020 Winner of Most Ironic, Least Self Aware goes to…

You, Keed, this is ROFLCOPTER coming from you.

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OK, I’m going to retreat into a real simple question: do you think Glenn has overall had a positive or negative impact on the world?

Fuck countries.