Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Which one of the plagues was this?


maybe they haven’t checked behind the curtain since they put the poster up? i hope he just sits there all day and has an owner with a sense of humor and this isn’t a cry for help.

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Apparently God is a Yorkshireman, so my guess is it has something to do with cricket.

Fuck Bezos
Fuck Saudi Arabia
Most importantly FUCK FACEBOOK

Another story of the IRS going after a big player, Microsoft, and getting outgunned because of budget cuts and lobbying made by large companies


Yo, fuck Mr. Peanut, I’m glad he’s dead. Dude was an arch-capitalist creep who sold his own people to be eaten just so he could have his fancy monocle.

But who’s house is that pic from…

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4 Likes^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&

Sounds like Bilzerian w/o the rich daddy

Still, Gorodesky managed to maintain a following on Instagram, amassing more than 143,000 followers by early last year. In March 2019, he was voted one of the top five accounts to follow by the blog

“Gorodetsky isn’t an analytics junky, he largely bets on gut instinct,” the blog said. “That’s part of what makes @BigRobStyle such an entertaining follow.”

Instagram at the influencer level is literally the WOAT social media.

cbs hates trump so much they just hired priebus as a political commentator.


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Update: Canberra Airport is now shut down due to an out-of-control bushfire nearby.

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

– “Fire And Ice”, Robert Frost


My oldest has, with my complete approval, traveled and stayed in the so called no go zones in Europe. I’ve suggested it’s better not to arrive at the bus stop (not even a station) at skid row alone at like 2am in LA. The only place I’ve ever said is really, please, this is a real no go zone, is any fraternity.


Did she actually take the advice?

As far as I know.

In college my landlord and I would drive off to the No-Go Zone of Dearborn, MI to have Lebanese food and sweet christmas, they give you so much food there, the portion sizes are definitely not safe. There’s only so much swordfish and hummus a man can eat.

According to my old landlord, it’s a tradition in Lebanon to give your guests more food than they could ever eat. If you ask me, it’s like they’ve declared Islamic jihad on my cardiovascular health.