Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

Which one? I like to mix it up. I’m serious that Greenwald knowingly taking on risks doesn’t diminish the injustice of him being arrested for his reporting (assuming that’s what’s going on).

To take it further, all people have the right to free expression without legal penalty and to due process if they are accused of crimes, because those are basic human rights. The US government should defend (insofar as it can) the fundamental rights of American citizens, wherever they are because that is what the US government is for. This is not controversial.


The US is not a country I’d like involved in the Greenwald case. I hope he can get The Netherlands or the UN or someone else to help.

True… If I was GG I’d be leaving through the back door option to 1 of those countries… :smirk:

There would be some irony in watching the US/Trump hang GG out to dry - and spending all our efforts bashing establishment Dems on their hypocrisy in letting it happen, while ignoring Trump.

I’m not saying I’m rooting for that don’t @ me

HRC would have helped out Greenwald about as much as Obama would have helped out Edward Snowden.


I am okay with Brazil in this case.

Yet I don’t detest it at all.

Not even close to a net positive. Dude is some sort of I’ll intended international mercenary.

As others succinctly said, Fuck Him. Greenwald is a bad dude I don’t care how many homeless people he employs.

Lol at greenwald stans telling people to look at their ideas.

He doesn’t represent the free world. That is where you got it twisted. He only represents himself and whomever covertly employs him at any given time.

I mean JFC that we pretend he is a journalist just because he types words. By that standard every person in the world is a journalist in 2020.

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And that happened with Amanda Knox how? (Your comparison )

This is complete horse shit.



name a “real” journalist who has broken two stories more important than Snowden and Greenwald’s Brazil scoop.

I disagree with your view on Glenn, but do agree with this post.

If you live in a country, you abide by its laws. Thinking that other countries should be like your birth country is cultural imperialism.


I don’t think Smacc’s post quite articulates the issue here. It’s not that Brazil should have free speech and journalistic protections because America has them*, it’s that journalistic protections aid in the fight against power and corruption and are worth fighting for, no matter who the journalist is.

*In theory


She was as guilty as hell.

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Jesus man, I didn’t post on the Greenwald thing because I just hearted hokie’s 100% correct post:

I couldn’t believe the posts that were like “he knew the risks” or “what did he expect to happen”, like what the fuck are you talking about?

I’m a card carrying Greenwald hater in that I think he’s an annoying, self-aggrandizing person and spends most of his US-centric writing on idiotic and irrelevant media criticism, but he’s nonetheless doing invaluable work in Brazil at great personal risk. If you think him going on Tucker Carlson or whatever is of any consequence at all compared to his work against the Bolsonaro regime, you’re out of your mind.


Nobody is arguing the opposite of this though