Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

I don’t think I’ve ever seen keeed make back to back posts, let alone 8 in a row.

Bolsonaro is not Brazil’s culture.

You are a lucky, lucky poster…

Bobman’s point was right. It’s not about America’s laws, it’s about human rights.


Taking GG out of the equation, is it right for the US Government to throw its weight around to force other countries to follow our laws or morals? How is that different than rich people getting different legal results than poor people?

The wrong when rich and poor are treated differently by the justice system isn’t the inequality, it’s that the poor are treated unjustly. It’s not better for everyone to be treated unjustly.


When our laws and morals are clearly right and theirs are clearly wrong, then certainly. Even more so when the matter directly impacts US citizens. Should the US intervene if a US citizen gay guy gets sentenced to death for sodomy in some ass backwards country? I mean it’s illegal, shouldn’t that guy have known better?

Of course the current US government is more likely to side with Bolsonaro than Greenwald in this current matter, but that’s not really your point.

So why dick around with a show trial then? Why not shoot for regime change? Butting into other countries justice systems without doing anything else is just passive aggressive bullshit.

How many people are you willing to kill to protect that guy? And shouldn’t we be removing the sodomy laws that still exist on our books first before pointing fingers?

New thread needed?


Trying to change Brazil’s government would almost certainly result in a big war that would kill thousands or tens of thousands of people. I’m also deeply skeptical that an outside military intervention could successfully install a legitimate, stable democratic government in Brazil.

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They aren’t really our morals as a country though. Hell we arrested a bunch of journalists at the inauguration protests and they were potentially facing decades long prison terms. That’s why I was saying GG would be better off if a country like The Netherlands got involved.

Kill? Shit I don’t know? Probably none? There are other ways to exert pressure than murdering folks. Trade sanctions, diplomatic pressure, etc. Certainly we should remove unenforced sodomy laws from our books, but we should also act strongly to protect an American citizen being victimized by a horrible law in another country. Seems insane to be against such a thing.

Big lols at the pearl clutching over proper diplomatic representation for Greenwald being an offence against cultural relativism.


As long as they’re not about music you can count on pyatnitski’s takes.

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Post-MLK Day learning retention quiz!

Complete the following quote: "Injustice anywhere is–

  • OK if I don’t like the victim of the injustice."
  • a threat to justice everywhere."
  • bad, but are we supposed to be shocked that there was injustice somewhere?"
  • Excuse me, but applying your cishet white male notions of injustice is cultural imperialism!

0 voters


I feel like I probably shouldn’t be picking Option A there even if I want to.

ps pyat, not that I’ve listened to all of them, but I haven’t hated your submissions.

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I’ve burned fewer sources than him, so I got that going for me.

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Not that you care about facts, but Greenwald didn’t have any involvement in the Winner story.