Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

He does a lot of really good reporting and I’ve learned a lot from him, especially regarding bad actions from the us government, but, like, all the negative stuff he’s reported on is still happening. It’s good that we’re aware of it, sure, but has he actually made an impact one way or the other? I really don’t know

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I think that’s largely true with his Snowden reporting, although as you say I think it is valuable just to know what is going on. His reporting on the Car Wash stuff seems to be having more of an impact in Brazil, although I haven’t been following that as closely a the Snowden story. Like it maybe contributed to freeing Lula from prison? Big if true.

Greenwald’s husband is Brazilian and an elected politician and he has adopted several children who speak Portuguese and while I get that Glenn is probably super rich there should be something to be said for the attachments that one has to a place.

What’s Glenn guilty of here? Finding out that the government railroaded the previous government in pretty much a coup and sharing that information?

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What pressure could the Netherlands by itself possibly apply to Brazil?

Sounds like the US has been conducting some cultural imperialism on this free speech stuff.

Where were all these “actually he’s not a journalist” guys when the Saudis murdered and dismembered Khashoggi? “People need to stop calling Jamaal a journalist, he’s a columnist and pundit, OK.” Like in what world is Jim Acosta a journalist and Glenn Greenwald not a journalist? But you hear this shit all the time from people who really should see that it’s just propaganda from establishment hacks. At least Neera Tanden gets paid handsomely to call Greenwald not a journalist, what’s in it for folks ITT?


They’re all in the replies of this Jake Tapper tweet.

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So, fuck ethnicities, too?

Roflmao. The US shouldn’t point fingers when it comes to homophobia at


Saudi Arabia.

That’s called cultural imperialism bro. Have some respect for diversity ffs

Please proceed, governor

What is “not a journalist” even supposed to prove? If he’s just a regular private citizen criticizing the government, then…?

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From Tanden or security state shills it’s a transparent attempt to de-legitimize the important and brave journalism he is doing, because Greenwald is acting against those establishment interests. You’d have to ask Namath and Mark what’s in it for them, as I said, I’m mystified.

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What’s confusing is that people seem to think it isn’t really standard for the government to be monitoring, providing assistance to their citizen, lobbying the government involved if they think it’s a bs ‘law’, even trying to work out a deal to mitigate punishment if they can. That’s just the job. Maybe that’s not standard in the US? I don’t know, really, it’s not like other aspects of the culture there don’t baffle me. Don’t want to get all arrogant.

Yeah… I know your not asking for regime change like 1 poster I think accused me of asking for…

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Can someone update the thread title when it gets back to LC sans Greenwald?

No one has posted about Greenwald for like four hours. But hey, since you mention it, this is a pretty good article on the whole thing:

My apologies. I scrolled down past 8,000 posts bc I couldn’t handle it anymore. Honestly didn’t realize I had passed over your well known four hour rule. Go eat some more potatoes.

Stay safe.

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Eh, whatever. I like your posts and you too. Just heavily buzzed.