Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

the laptop thing is so dumb and so on brand for a republican mega story.

is there a laptop? “well actually no there is only this hard drive…”
ok, well was the hard drive secured? “well, no it appears that at least 12 different people/organizations messed with it and some modified contents over the course of several months. but we swear it was hunter bidens and he says the words the big guy on an email”

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Unsurprising to no one, Glenn Greenwald was a huge fan of Richard Hanania.

Was, being the key

He was pretty quick to bail on him.

How is that “bailing on him”

He’s claiming that Richard likes the things that he hates and they aren’t close.

Just Glenn being a snake. He likes to think he’s different from the mainstream media he constantly criticizes but he really wishes he was one of them. Since he can’t, he shits on them from wherever he can due to his personal vendetta. We saw how fast he sold out Chelsea Manning when Chelsea disagreed with Glenn.

Greenwald is sponsored by the billion dollar David Sacks/Peter Thiel right wing political machine, who all have the exact same “takes” as he does.

Someone is certainly slurping up political propaganda all day, but it’s not the liberals.


I know you are too uncurious to learn even basic facts about your heros, but the info is easy to find.


The New Republic was founded in 1914 to bring liberalism into the modern era.

Of course they don’t like radicals, which is why you read it.

We’re all here just trying to enjoy the death of this potato-head warlord, and you gotta poke the Michael Tracy squad.


You’d think after spending the last 15 years defending Murray Rothbard, Nathan Forrest, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and now Greenwald you’d have learned to stop sticking up for white right-wing racists.

But no.

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wait you guys were rooting for him last month

Eat shit liar.

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Alex gone unhinged.

Take a break dude.

The truth hurts guys I know

I guess I would have memory holed the civil war thread if I were you as well

Source (you made it up)

Glenn: What the mainstream Democrat controlled media doesn’t want to tell you is that Putin, who I do not support, is denazifying Ukraine. He just shot a plane down that held Nazis. Dmitry Utkin? That’s a name you won’thear on MSNBC. He was a neo Nazi and Putin just took him out. Meanwhile Democrats, who supported ex Nazis after WW2, again, you won’t hear that on CNN or from the liberal New York Times. Instead all we hear about is how Azov brigade are the good guys. That’s it for me on Rumble.

“I’ll say I generally liked him.”

I mean I did you the service of dm’ing you that post, but happy to see it made public if you think it helps your case.

Maybe you should post the other thread that I sent you too :rofl: