Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

That tracks with the Tucker Carlson and Friends mythologizing.

Agrees with fascists on everything. You’re the fascist!

Wait till these people hear about Radio Free ____ and shit

Plus NED like you said, and so many other things like it

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Eugene V Debs was being divisive and saying some of the very same things USA’s political enemies in Russia were saying

So he deserved prison. Bad person. Probably a Putin apologist too

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Sorry bud, internment camps were good and not fascist, because the enemy was fascist

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Sorry guys but it’s hard to see covertly state funded propaganda as anything other but an attempt to overwhelm actual free speech.

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the law that requires disclosure is bad? just so i understand you are for allowing less transparency in journalism and publishing?

RFE clearly publicizes its funding and US State connections

By approximately how much did GG’s net worth fall on today’s Tucker news?


Maybe they can start a show together on News Max or whatever shithole maga network is still on air

Sad day for Glenn and his fans

Looks like there’s an even bigger political persecution happening at the moment.

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It’s an outrage. Scaremongering against China and Russia in this country is totally out of control.

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Killing me softly with his Song.

I’m sorry, that pun on an old Chinese dynasty doesn’t even really work. I just like the song, although the original is better.

Pitchbot or Greenwald?

Screenshot 2023-04-25 110857

I’d like to reassure Glenn that the liberal-left is far from lockstep, we’ve broken off into like 5 forums already and some of our members even hate AOC as much as he and Tucker do.


Libs in array!

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He does have a skill to make anything about Dems.

One thing the right is known for is realized internal debate that really gets to the core of issues.