Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

Alex gone unhinged.

Take a break dude.

The truth hurts guys I know

I guess I would have memory holed the civil war thread if I were you as well

Source (you made it up)

Glenn: What the mainstream Democrat controlled media doesn’t want to tell you is that Putin, who I do not support, is denazifying Ukraine. He just shot a plane down that held Nazis. Dmitry Utkin? That’s a name you won’thear on MSNBC. He was a neo Nazi and Putin just took him out. Meanwhile Democrats, who supported ex Nazis after WW2, again, you won’t hear that on CNN or from the liberal New York Times. Instead all we hear about is how Azov brigade are the good guys. That’s it for me on Rumble.

“I’ll say I generally liked him.”

I mean I did you the service of dm’ing you that post, but happy to see it made public if you think it helps your case.

Maybe you should post the other thread that I sent you too :rofl:

What Civil War thread? Please link.

Well…they do print Sam Adler-Bell. When is the last time you read it?

Sorry I may just have to post it because it’s too good. Rothbard, Keed, and famous Keed nemesis Goofyballer, all on the same anti-women side with the pro-women side being championed by non other than


No one seems to know what you’re talking about but it certainly doesn’t sound like anything to do with Greenwald.

Stop unburying the past. Must we do this?

Yea that’s why all the posts were deleted.

You’re pathetic.

I deleted my posts because it was a mistake to even engage your deranged lying

2p2 deleted the Civil War apologetics thread? Cowards.

No don’t worry. I was referring to Keed’s posts here earlier where he cited a post of his where he says he’s watched Tucker for 20 years(!) and generally liked him. Somehow that was supposed to be evidence of me lying.

you really can’t stop lying can you. Are you even aware what you’re doing? That’s not what I said.

Jesus man just repost the comment then

Fuck off.

When do you think his Crossfire show ran?