First Impressions Containment Thread

It’s growing on me :beers:

I’m sure it’s on the list for tuning but just noting that the main board and each Category have an “About…xxx” post/sticky/whatever which still has the default text in it.

I read the site almost exclusively on my phones web browser. It’s just a very different format that at first glance seems messy. Nothing in particular that bothers me. I trust everyone who is saying it is better once you get used to it though.

I really like the new site and features as well, although I’ve barely scratched the surface so far.

A big thanks to everybody who put in the work.

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I really dislike how a reply to a post doesn’t automatically quote the post. It just has a thing at the top right that if I click the whole thread screws up and I get disoriented and leave without knowing wtf is happening

Took me a bit to find, but you can just click the speech bubble next to the bold B in the reply box.

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ggoreo has a thread full of little tips like that, the 90 second posting basics video is worth watching:


It’s different, but there seem to be some cool features. Happy that my place for getting to know about American politics will continue.

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Cosign this post. oreo’s videos are great and well worth the couple minutes it takes to watch them.

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I’m on mobile browser and I dont see any option to quote in a reply

What am I replying to? It’s a guessing game now

Used to be 1 button. Is there a reason we want to discourage quoting posts?

If terrible grandpa software like phpbb can do it with 1 button, there must be a reason it takes 3 buttons to do it here. Are you trying to hurt me? Is that it?

Sir, I humbly request with all due respect sir, a default reply feature that automatically quotes the post we’re replying to thank you for your time sir

Right around the time he tried to quote a post!


Testing… :v:[quote=“beetlejuice, post:69, topic:58, full:true”]
What am I replying to? It’s a guessing game now

Actually yes, that was a design decision by the people who created Discourse because quoting people is often pointless repetition of content. There’s a little arrow pointing to the avatar of whoever you’re replying to in comments. If you click that it will show the relevant post.

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Thanks. It’s disappointing, I was hoping I was missing something. Because when I click to see the post being replied to, it takes me up the thread and then I have to scroll and search for where I was. Really wish we could have had quotes automatically, because I know most people are going to not take the extra steps to quote and I’m going to be doomed to scroll all over searching for posts when I’m trying to read a thread.

Looks great