Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

Nope we in fact have bizarrely pristine weather for about 80% of America’s population instead.

Maybe weather so good that Republicans opt to do other things besides vote!

(Reaching deep, working hard, thanks!!)


On the bright side I think most of NV is slated for shitty weather today. Great news… for John McCain!

Just got up. We won already, right? Right?

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I’ve got Shapiro and Fetterman up 2-0 in the early counting.



I can get that to 4-0.


My small NH town reported terrific turnout at 7:30 this morning.

Happy most important day evar until the next time when that will become the most important day evar Day!

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I think there’s just a ton of variance in this election. I’m not betting it, but I considered taking the Dems to win the House when it was around 8c on PredictIt.

I don’t know how anyone can be super confident in the polls this time. The more polarized we become, the more polling is about turnout modeling. Who the fuck knows how much Dobbs is going to impact Dem turnout? Independent turnout?

I think there are a large swath of Democratic voters who are 100% voting and 10% enthusiastic about it, because they understand the stakes and are sick of Democratic inaction. I have no idea if the polls can correctly model that.

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Why the fuck wasn’t this already done? Oh yea, because they thought they could hold it over voters’ heads to get votes

They thought abortion was safe, so spending political capital to codify Roe would be a waste of resources.

What did they spend it on instead?


Who the hell responds to polls anyway? I don’t think I ever seen a poll or talked to anyone who has responded to one. So surely someone who isn’t politically active isn’t getting thrown in the mix.

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Second impeachment.

Mmmmm peach mint.



Not sure how valid copium, but weather across the country (aside from CA which isnt in much danger) is clear, which generally favors the blues.

PA is going to be a repeat of 2020 with the GOP claiming victory tonight with the overwhelmingly D mail vote outstanding.

Yeah I think if there’s post-election violence this year, Pennsylvania is the flashpoint.