2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

So excited for today! We finally get to show the GOP that their style of politics isn’t welcome in todays USA! We believe in science, equality, fair elections, women’s health, and antifacism!

It’s going to be a victorious and great day all.


You probably won’t be around today @skydiver8, but if you are, does your team have any predictions on how the rain will affect turnout?

On the plus side, it seems ONLY California is being hit by rain/snow/etc today, so that should be a positive for blues across the country

These are the people who are voting. From Atlanta:

“I’ve just had it,” she complained. “I just think there’s a lot of hypocrisy when they tell you a woman has a right to choose, yet there wasn’t a choice when it came to the vaccine to be employed. Free choice should be across the board for everything.”

Hopefully this piece stays away from Las Vegas for most of the day


eli5 on the rain thing - is it good or bad for us?

Generally good, Dem turnout and “more risky candidates” tend to suffer from incliment weather.


“More registered Democrats (27 percent) say that bad weather conditions would impact whether they make it to the polls than registered Republicans (20 percent), the survey also found.”

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Final 538 odds 59/41 R Senate. Nevada actually tightens, but reasonably big late move towards Oz (57/43) and Walker (63/37).

Losing 51-49 with Oz beating Fetterman the worst case scenario for progressives so I expect that to happen.


Isn’t it ironic

51-49 GOP would be a huge win at this point. Sign me up.

Would be horrible. Still get zero judges and zero control of the Senate while the centrists take the absolute wrong lessons away from the PA race.


Just heard a radio ad for my incumbent Democrat NJ-5 rep (Josh Gottheimer) that only mentioned that he’s in favor of funding the police so they can protect us, and enacting reasonable energy policies that lower gas prices. No mention of party affiliation at all. So there’s a strategy I guess.

Norcal dems are doing this too, “I’ll tell both parties they are wrong when they do things I don’t like” instead of telling us what monsters the reds are

Everyone I voted for this morning is going to win. I presume everyone here throughout the country will have similar results for their own local elections, right? Right…

Hopium thread thataway


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So are we doing two gameday threads, one for hopium and one for nopium?

Nah, just this one. The other one is a safespace from the impending implications of trying to live with the low lifes that are your species implied by the results and thoughts portrayed in this thread.


If 41% D Senate is even remotely accurate there is a ton of money to be made in the betting markets betting on Dems.


I voted for what I honestly felt and believed was the optimal ticket in my district here in MA.

Governor & Lt. Governor: Maura Healey & Kim Driscoll
Attorney General: Andrea Campbell
Representative: Katherine M. Clark

I also voted yes on all ballot questions. :night_with_stars:

[Edited to add: If anyone cares, I also voted across-the-board Dem on all of the opposed down-ballot races.]