2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Yeah it’s an insult to the intelligence of their past donors.

Is it possible that $'s are needed for lawyers in postelection fight, or would these funds be unavailable for that purpose?

Sure i am trying to shine the turd, I get the same shit form Beto.

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I voted motherfuckers

Is this the rail thread?

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smash that mf WE GOT HIM button


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This stuff is so lame. Who cares?

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Got my sticker, and am pretty sure I just single-handedly stopped the fascist takeover of American democracy. Not to pat myself on the back too hard, but you’re welcome.

Which comes first?
  • Election results.
  • Powerball numbers.
  • Who gives af waaf.

0 voters

Wife and I voted this morning first thing. Absolutely voted first thing on election day to passive aggressively make the line longer for old people.




they literally have nothing else to do, waiting in line and discussing how much greater america was in the 50s is probably the best part of their day

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Trip report, voting in a Tennessee suburb, it’s not as Red here as the rest of the state but the magas here are all fully bought in true believers so it seems a lot Redder than it actually is. No line, chose paper ballot, in and out in less than five minutes.

Governor: Bill Lee will probably be re-elected governor by 30 points, but he’s been running ads like he’s neck-and-neck, voted for the D

US House: my extremely shitty representative (Kustoff) will probably win by 30 points (maybe more), voted for the D, this district is insanely gerrymandered just like every other district in TN.

Local races:

Mayor: incumbent running unopposed, undervoted

State senator (open seat because the previous R senator (who was a couple of years behind me at my high school, I vaguely remember him) resigned after being indicted on soft money violations): futilely voted against this fucking beady-eyed turd Redirecting...

State house: this beady-eyed turd ran unopposed, undervoted. Mark White

State constitution amendments:

voted against right to work (this is probably the only thing that has a chance of me voting with the majority just because it was confusingly worded)

voted yes on the other amendments (something about line of succession for governor, abolishing slavery (congrats to Tennesse for finally getting around to this) and removing some old language banning clergy from serving in the legislature.

I’m old enough to remember when Ned McWherter (Dem.) was governor of TN. At the time, I thought his name was Ned McQuarter.

mcwherter was really an enigma, not many people make it statewide coming from West TN.

I wonder if there were any yard signs or TV ads supporting the “no” side on the abolish slavery amendment.

So excited for today! We finally get to show the GOP that their style of politics isn’t welcome in todays USA! We believe in science, equality, fair elections, women’s health, and antifacism!

It’s going to be a victorious and great day all.


You probably won’t be around today @skydiver8, but if you are, does your team have any predictions on how the rain will affect turnout?

On the plus side, it seems ONLY California is being hit by rain/snow/etc today, so that should be a positive for blues across the country

These are the people who are voting. From Atlanta:

“I’ve just had it,” she complained. “I just think there’s a lot of hypocrisy when they tell you a woman has a right to choose, yet there wasn’t a choice when it came to the vaccine to be employed. Free choice should be across the board for everything.”

Hopefully this piece stays away from Las Vegas for most of the day
