2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

LMAO Susan Collins is so full of shit.




Why in the everloving fuck would they put Cruz in the Astro’s parade?

Should have been a keg.


or this


Like, it’s much more insulting to Susan Collins to contend she believes what she’s saying.

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I don’t watch baseball. Is the Astros team filled with deplorables?

Every MLB team is.


Republicans and Democrats from Houston/TX were all invited to the parade. Not sure what the criteria was there.

Too bad for Cruz that his vehicle wasn’t moving at Atlanta Braves parade speeds.


If Ted ever decides to get out of politics he could make a fortune with a dunking booth.

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Checked out the 411vote candidate statements for my local races and was sad (but not surprised) to see 6 out of 8 of the republican candidates including some variation on the imminent threat of “reverse racism”.

Ranging from thinly veiled (I love protecting the rights of everyone but we need to be careful not to create new classes of people with more rights) to the not-so-thin (I believe that white lives matter). What the hell man. I demand to speak with the manager.

I want to bet on the election today but I honestly think the betting lines are pretty sharp at the moment. The other interesting thing is going to be how the normies take the news when the slaughter happens and then they realize the last bastion in the Federal government with any power who isn’t bat shit insane is senile Joe Biden.

We are truly fucked.

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Why do you think they will realize this?

Good fucking luck, frands.


In school you learn early that Nazis happened because of an overreaction to WWI. We’re going to do it without an economic depression or war or really any humiliation. The democrats standing by and letting it happen is indefensible, and they’ll be dead by the time the worst effects occur.

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We had a black President though


Tbf we do love the “Great Man Theory” of history so a lot of people only learn “Hitler was bad and if he wasn’t around everything would’ve been fine”. Probably why the Dems say “ORANGE MAN BAD” so much.

Is this the right place for the doomscrolling and needle?!


They’re sending this crap on Election Day. FUCK OFF

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