Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread



I mean, how many people are in Elko? 20K?


This thread needs more Magic


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ready for some hopium but preparing to OD on copium, when we get some exit polls?

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Recommend you OD before then.

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hey if yall could pick just ONE republican to get upset tonight, who would it be? I think I’m going with Kari Lake, she’s so fucking sanctimonious and that fucking soft focus is fucking killing me, just mega tilting even before we get to actual politics. JD vance is also up there.


Ron Johnson ez


Why is this hopium? Can’t it be a gazillion MAGAs MAGAing it up?

Moderate upset: John Fetterman
Standard upset: Ron Johnson
Shocking upset: Ron DeSantis

You mean Fetterman upsetting Doc Oz?





Fuck it let’s go. More fun than being depressed all day, and the drinking later will be more fun


The Wisconsin governor candidate because I’d like Wisconsin to be a potentially winnable state in 2024.

my hopium is that after taking obvious unforced losses the dems try some lame duck stuff on the way out the door… and probably still fail, but at least they give a modicum of effort to convince people to vote in 2024… and that next week trump sucks all the air out of the republican party waiting room by announcing he’s running.

This will invigorate the GOP what are you talking about?

i personally dont think biden beats anyone but trump. i think desantis brings home ALL the suburban white people that trump lost quite easily. trump has enough of a bad cloud around him that people are still kinda ashamed to vote for him… DeSantis is fresh air for the suburbs to pretend they aren’t racist and feel good about voting republican.

eta- im not sure he beats trump in 2024, but im pretty sure he gets dogwalked by desantis.

Voted in Florida today, not that it will matter.

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100% correct, they’re doing all this work to set up the big cheat for 2024 and they won’t even need to

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he got 70M votes in the last election so thats clearly not true, they might be ashamed to admit in public or to pollsters but they clearly have no qualms about punching his name in the voting booth.

that might be true but i think you are underestimating Trump’s 30 million cult followers who are not necessarily going to swing to Desantis in the general unless Daddy Trump gracefully concedes the nomination (something that he is not known for doing) and tells them to. imo Desantis winning is better because that is also the scenario where trump loses, which is likely to lead to an insurrection at the Republican convention and factions in the Republican party in general which obviously benefits Biden. If Trump wins theres a good chance Desantis just snap accepts the VP nom knowing he is perfectly set up to take over in 2028 or whenever Trump dies and Biden is not beating Trump and Desantis on the same ticket no matter which order they are in.