Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Nah m8 that’s just an L plain and simple and I’ve no interest in pretending otherwise.

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That one I conceded in my original post.

I guess I see gains in things like civil, LGBTQI+, women’s rights and don’t think it’s all bad. Before trump there were some good trends.

If we take our view globally it’s much easier to see a lot of gains socially and economically.

I know I have a WAAF banner but I’m not ready to give up on “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Sure it’s a dangerous idea if it leads to complacency but it also reminds us why we engage in politics.

That’s not because it changed white people into not hating Mexicans. It’s because California is only 37% non-Hispanic white now and it was 57% non-Hispanic white in 1990. Perhaps that will change in enough states to make Republicans lose nationally.

It certainly will eventually, but my concern is 2020.

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Almost afraid to ask, but for the “Biden is no better than Trump and I’m not voting for him” crowd, what is the plan going forward if Trump wins in November?


Utterly fail to discredit her?

Ford was eminently more credible than Reade. If Reade testifies as effectively as Ford did then I’d reconsider my position.

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And Andrew Jackson.

  1. She told someone about her assault 25 years ago…seems compelling. You do realize the other guy is a rapist too? The friend is making the same ‘lesser of two evils’ choice that many people are being forced to make.

  2. She told ANOTHER person 25 years ago. For some reason you think this does not point towards her story being true??? Hilarious that you would even include this fact.

  3. Imagine telling your brother intimate details about a man putting his fingers in your vagina. I have a sister and I am confident that she would not want to share something this personal and traumatic with me about her body.

  4. Now we have a third person, ON TAPE, publicly alluding to her assault. The time and location are an exact match. The sound of her mother’s voice has been confirmed by Tara and this has not been disputed by anyone credible as far as I know.

Significant factual discrepancies LOL. You are consistently the worst regular poster on this site and I won’t be responding to you anymore about this topic.


Goddam, your reading comprehension is a



I would also support a tree, rock, or scrap of metal that honestly fought for these policies.


You were doing perfectly until just at the end there :rofl:


It’s definitely easier to sleep at night believing that your preferred candidate is pure as the driven snow, and that everyone else is evil, but the real world doesn’t work like that. Joe Biden sucks, end of story. But you lose me when, given where we are now, you advocate not voting for him. This is not hyperbole, another Trump term is not only the end of American democracy, it will cause immense suffering and death, heavily concentrated among the people the purists claims to care about most. There is absolutely zero credible argument that refusing to vote for Joe will lead to any positive outcome, no matter how absurdly defined.


Can you find any examples of people actually saying this? I’m getting a bit tired of hearing it, when it doesn’t describe me or anyone else on the forum that I can think of.

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Biden will free the kids from the cages oh nvm
Biden will decrease black incarceration oh nvm


You don’t vote for Joe and he loses. This is good because…? This leads to more progressive outcomes when, and how exactly? Paint me a picture.


He is not kidding. That’s the plan.

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I made a whole thread.

If the alternative was George Bush or whatever, maybe. Trump with another term is the end of the whole game. You’ll never get to vote in an honest election again.

Why would this election be honest if that’s the case? Wouldn’t he just rig this one? With the help of RUSSIA of course.

Did you copy this post from /thedonald?