Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

You tell us, you’re the one who never seems to stop hanging out there lol.

I am 100% with Riverman here. A second Trump term is an absolute catastrophe. The ceiling is probably 3x as bad as what we’ve seen 2016-2020, and the floor is the death of American democracy. Anyone who spite-avoids voting for Biden is supremely underestimating the scale of worldwide suffering that will arise from a fascist America.

Well at least you didn’t call me a Russian bot

In before you call Russian bots and trumps connection to Russia fake news.

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I hope Biden beats Trump, because that is the shit sandwich i have been given. I live in a blue state, where I think the best outcome would be a narrow Biden victory to at least send the message that the democrats suck and they need to progress in policy. I don’t think this will make much of a difference, but it’s more than nothing. Seems better than emboldening a center-right democratic party by telling them that we encourage whatever they give us as long as they are any bit to the left of the increasingly right moving right-wing party.

To answer your question (which I am not necessarily advocating for but I think has merit), a Trump victory will make him and his party own their failures. The argument that it is all Obama’s fault will be harder to make. It will awaken progressive populism to fight the atrocities of the republicans with the realization that centrism is a (2x) losing strategy. The demand for real change will be greater.
A Biden victory and “no fundamental change” will expose the fact that they don’t really stand for anything, but be performative and slick enough (might need some Obama help here because Joe’s brain doesn’t work) to pacify the normies. What the deplorables will get is an enemy who does not improve their material condition and lead a call for the next Trump. They will have the Trump right-populist playbook, but with more competency.



You can’t believe this?

After 7 years of Trump…the average deplorable is still living paycheck to paycheck, a friend or relative has died of covid, there is no wall, the healthcare system has screwed them over, a recession has happened. Of course they will do everything to shift blame, but the sales pitch is more enticing than the payoff. I’m not saying they will all become “woke” or anything like that, I would expect it to be marginal. After 7 years, it’s hard to have the same enthusiasm that you did at the beginning. The mystery box is better before you realize that there is no boat inside.

The real Obama “unleashed” was promised for his second term. Instead we got 26171 bombs.


Dumb people are dumb.

More at 11.

I think the better argument is that the failures of centrist opposition will be more apparent and this will radicalize more libs to progressivism.

Interesting reddit post. Seems a single mod has turned many progressive subreddits into ant-Biden mills. Sure glad we don’t see anything like that around here.

"Yeap, they’re definitely working overtime:

lrlOurPresident is basically the sole moderator on these subs

r/OurPresident r/DemocraticSocialism r/AOC r/bernie r/Bernie_Sanders r/Ilhan r/democraticparty r/socialjustice r/Sunlight r/economicdemocracy r/PoliticalCoverage r/RealBlueMidterm r/PresidentBernie r/BidenWillLose r/workingclass r/President r/PoliticalCoverage

Their posted content appears to be exclusively copy/pasted spam videos smearing Joe Biden. They encourage other users to post #NeverBiden material. Any comments pointing out that Biden is a better option than Trump, or the importance of a Democratic win for the Supreme Court, are deleted and that user shadow banned.

In each of the subreddits, IRLOurPresident is the creator and head moderator. All other listed moderators on each of these subreddits appear to be ‘empty’ users. No comments, no posts. These mods exist only for show. IRLOurPresident is the controlling presence and has the ability to set and control a narrative. The narrative they are pushing is clear from their posts - that is, #neverbiden rhetoric.

Edit; fixed the the username from IrIOurPresident to lrlOurPresident (LrLOurPresident)"

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Here Vict0ar is our puppet master, we are merely a vessel (I’ve said too much).


They don’t have a plan, they don’t care about the suffering that will ensue, they enjoy the vitriol, they applaud those Reddit threads and shit like this is lurking just below the surface with way, way more BernieBro-types than many people might think.

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god this thread, what are we still fighting about

vote Biden>Trump if you live in PA, MI, WI, AZ

If you don’t live in those 4 states, doesn’t fucking matter. Vote for Faith Spotted Eagle if you want if you don’t live in those 4 states.

Fucking electoral college


My goodness you are obsessed with this. Aren’t you living out of the US? Have you ever even met a “BernieBro” irl? What do you really know about their “types” and what’s lurking beneath their surfaces?

Also, check out your badge if you want to see a BernieBro. (also, simp, check out his badge if you want to see what government by the proletariat looks like)


The same plan as always, support politicians whose policies make the world better. Vote strategically when necessary (non-ideal compromise). The people who don’t care about suffering are the ones who support the lifestyle brand politicians who speak nicely, and then don’t bother to learn about or choose to ignore when they bomb hospitals.

I’m trying to imagine feeling stung by proxy for simplicitus’ sake, which I can only assume is the prompt for this little shout-out. Weird vibe, have to say. Couldn’t be me.



look fat, I’m just following Biden’s advice: if you believe Tara Reade you shouldn’t vote for him. I have my marching orders.


ppl still out here putting stock in ‘reality’ in 2020 smh