Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I suspect Victor’s not pulling the lever for Biden, and I think he’s in Ohio… Just to be clear though, as long as you vote for Biden and any other D who’s in a remotely winnable race, I have no objection to anyone holding any particular moral judgment of Biden. Indeed, I would encourage everyone not to let their political support of Biden or any other politician blind them to the failings of their candidate (or to the general fact that all politicians are bad people).

There’s actually a lot of truth to this. In my view, our fundamental problem is that our society runs (ran?) on the basis of most people believing a lot of things that performed socially useful roles, but were false. The list is very long, but religion, the value of small communities, the idea that politicians are dedicated public servants, the US was founded by a bunch of supergeniuses on ideals of equality for all, profit maximization is not the sole duty of business, published scientific findings are reliably true, and so on. I don’t think politics would work very well if everyone had the degree of cynicism about politics that I do, but I also think that I’m right. And I also think it’s correct that any given individual would be wise to adopt my beliefs. I don’t have a great answer for why things won’t continue to unravel if all that’s true. Hopefully I’m wrong?

But in any case, if you’re maximally cynical, machine-like devotion to the Democrats is good enough for the present situation.

Did you… click on the person’s profile? Because this is not true.

You didn’t provide any link or evidence or anything for the shadow bans or whatever, but it wouldn’t shock me. Reddit sucks as a place for discussion or news, but is good for quick research on more niche topics.

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Vict0ar is basically The One Person who took the Biden threat seriously! Like, more than any other person here or on twitter or anywhere. He never literally used the phrase ‘we’re not out of the woods yet’ but he had dozens of posts over months, when ppl were almost doing Bernie victory laps, essentially saying ‘hold on gang, we’re not out of the woods yet!’ There are receipts!

Wat am I reading.

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ok continue


It’d be great if ppl stopped talking like this is a sport or skill game. I get why ppl want it to be that one way and not the other but it’s absurd.

It’s not like a game of basketball. Or, more accurately, it’s exactly like a game of basketball except instead of scoring more points the winner is decided by the audience voting on Who Did The Basketball The Best and this audience has never watched a game before nor does it know the rules.

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I’m not really following the suggestions of hypocrisy and whatnot, but I’ll set the record straight on a few things:

  1. I actually agree (now and at the time) with the proposition that billionaires stepping in to perform government functions is indicative of systemic failure, I just think it’s good for hedging reasons that individuals have the resources to do so when government failures occur. (Remember the government has a money printer, so it doesn’t the money to do its job…).
  2. I thought this was obvious, but my critique of the anti-Democratic left is totally applicable to, and indeed inspired by, the pathologies that have overtaken the right. I don’t think there are any specific “posters” on this forum that represent those pathologies, but I’m also not sure that there are any particular posters who are noticeably right of me…

I also agree that there’s no guarantee that Trump won’t launch a coup against Biden if he loses. Nor do I think that a Biden presidency is sufficient to cure the systemic problems that entrench minority Republican governments. Indeed, I think that Democrats would be wise to highlight pro-democracy reforms (end of EC, PR/DC statehood, state-level proportional representation) that would make the party stronger rather than viciously debating different healthcare finance reform that would all get blocked in the Senate. And downballot elections are extremely important! All Democrats should be voted for at all opportunities! To get back to the point at hand though, Trump has been gradually dismantling various Nixon-era checks on his power, and the longer this goes on, the more ability he will have to wield the immense power of the presidency to defeat political opponents. That’s the soft authoritarian path that we’re on, and we need to get off of it as soon as possible or we never will.


i don’t care how many times he put the ball in the circle that LaBorn got mad at stripey shirt guy so he’s cancelled


bobman just smart guy centrist combo broke me

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Hey 6ix, how about you make a post longer than 5 words which, you know, provides your opinion on something rather than the 16 hours late Mystery Science Theatre shtick.

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Nobody respect language so who the shit even knows now?

I’m pretty sure the original ‘Bernie Bro’ meant a Bernie->trump/Johnson voter, as in their animating force was anti-HRC misogyny, which makes linguistic and etymological sense, but now? Black women are white ass bros, it’s chaos.

Bitch are you really gonna track that mud in here?


Really?!?!? I can’t lie, I kinda admire the hardihood.

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It’s not common I don’t know a word. Had to look up hardihood. I learned something new which will probably be the most productive thing I do today so perhaps I spoke to soon.

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[quote=“bobman0330, post:2757, topic:1453, full:true”]published scientific findings are reliably true,

But they are reliably true, in general. The replication crisis hasn’t meant science doesn’t work or generate “truth”. Just the opposite.

It’s about bullshit, not hypocrisy. The stuff about regarding Sanders as pure as the driven snow, operating entirely distinctly from the system etc. There’s nothing in my posting to support the idea that I think that (or that I even think in that way generally) and a fair bit, here and there, to flatly contradict it. But ITT it and similar notions are gradually becoming a mantra. Nobody’s going to point to much of anything to claim that it’s true; truth or falsehood are beside the point, which is to have something mean to say about the left.

I dunno if inconsistency alone rates as hypocrisy. I’ll say again, though, that you will never be looking at ChrisV and find yourself stroking your chin and musing about the dreadful rot at the heart of Things Generally and how it’s led to the pretty pass of an Australian talking about the DNC. Extremely confident that that’s only going to be disturbing your sleep with regard to a very specific set of posters within a very particular ideological window.

Trump’s erosion of barriers to executive overreach is a continuation of Obama’s, wouldn’t you say? Which was a continuation of Bush’s, I’d have thought. Unless a Biden presidency is accompanied by a truly implausibly massive blue wave, he’s going to be pretty limited in how he can govern outside of EOs. So I’ll predict that a Biden presidency will continue, not halt or reverse, the trend you’re concerned about. So indeed will a Trump presidency, of course, so throw that on the depressingly large pile marked ‘Nothing much to choose’, imo.


I haven’t seen @skydiver8 say she wasn’t going to vote for Biden once. If anything she seems to be horrified that his campaign operation is garbage and could possibly lose to Florida Man.

I’m just trying to point out how dumb it all sounds and how too many people gleefully enjoy painting each other with broad brushes.

I’m clearly not good at the pooh-flinging stuff that’s so popular in this thread so I’ll concede. Everyone in anything close to a swing state is voting for Biden, because they have to, and if they’re not then they are assholes not worth listening to.

Moving on.


Trump’s erosion of barriers to executive overreach is a continuation of Obama’s, wouldn’t you say? Which was a continuation of Bush’s.


This is the fatal flaw. Trump is not “executive overreach.” He is dismantling the entire system of checks and balances. You think Bill Barr is bad now? You’re going to see sham investigations and arrests of political opponents as a matter of course. Trump will engage in previously unimaginable levels of corruption. The Supreme Court will be lost for life. There’s a very real chance political opponents just start getting straight up murdered. Climate change denial will be the official policy of the United States. Media crackdowns will intensify. Basically the authoritarian playbook will be on full display. This is not a “break it to fix it” situation. People for whatever reason, despite this shit happening in dozens of other countries during my lifetime, refuse to believe how bad this will get.


Kind of a weird point to bring up in apparent defence of simplicitus’ sneering dismissal of an entire category of rape. Dismissive and minimising attitudes towards rape are horrifyingly common; I don’t think ‘making true statements’ can really be called ‘painting with a broad brush’ and neither can objecting to a grown man snarling about that dumb bitch needs to STFU and who even CARES if she got a little fingerblasterino in her coochie-doochie amirite fellas?


Yeah, it’ll be different this time. I must be dreadfully naive to think otherwise, or something.

You don’t even fucking live here, dude. GTFO.