Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I mean they have decent gun regulation, universal healthcare, and minimum wage is like $18/h.

Sure they have right wing derpers in charge that are fucking up bigly with climate change, but overall Austrailia is doing way better than us and the right wing idiots are to the left of most democrats here on a lot of policies.

It ranks in the top tier most progressive.

Man, way more fkn children in this forum than I realized. you guys are great activists!

No one is kneecapping Biden. There are 30 people reading this thread, nothing here is going to change anyone’s mind and half the people are Canadian anyway.


Mainly because every human that has ever posted on unstuckpolitics dot com at any point in the history of this universe already knows that Donald Trump is a rapist and has no plans to support him in any way.*

(haven’t read past this post other than the direct replies, so I’m sorry if this common and dumb semi-argument espoused by trolly has already been refuted)

*except for wirelessbro and maybe inso0, but it’s not like even a perfect combination of written words is going to get them to see the light any time soon

Wouldn’t attacking his rapist opponent be a form of support?

If it were of the slightest consequence, maybe. This, I’ll say it again, is a message board. Nothing said here matters.

No. “Attacking” (i.e, stating facts about) Joe Biden is not a support of Donald Trump in any way, in most cases.

If I went on CNN or FOX as a Trump surrogate or “neutral” commentator and I went on and on about Biden’s sexual assault issues and ignored Trump’s, then that would count as a form of Trump support.

Randoms who represent no candidate or party, i.e., everyone here, don’t face this issue. I also am operating from the assumption, again, that everyone here is familiar with Trump’s rapes and other sexual assaults. The opinions on Biden here are much less uniform.

So it would count as support if the audience was some arbitrary number that you’ve decided is bigger than this forum. Cool! Thanks.

not quite sure what Mimosa is big mad about but it probably has to do with people posting in the wrong thread and various aspects of forum management, he’s big on all that

Is it OK with you if I sometimes whisper “Biden… not great” while showering?

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Who’s in the shower with you?


When can we speak ill of Biden without being Trump supporters? All alone under our breath? If never, then do thoughts count too?

I have a theory that most people can tell when people are totally full of shit and pretending Biden does not suck is actually worse than just admitting he does and saying you’re still voting for him because Trump is worse.


A highly suggestible floating voter who lives in a swing state.

Damn, got ponied on that.

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LOL. Let me put it in a very simple way for your sub-80 IQ stupid ass: SAYING BAD (in this case completely true) STUFF ABOUT PERSON A IS NOT NECESSARILY AN ENDORSEMENT OF PERSON B.

I apologize deeply for making a more nuanced argument that you’re intellectually incapable of understanding. I’ve interacted with you twice in my life and both times you said a bunch of deeply moronic things that got obliterated by me and other posters.

And of course every retort by you is all snark just like every other establishment centrist moderate Democrat ever.

My favorite part about you is the AOC avatar. Motherfucker, if AOC read your posts she would slap you in the face. If you were a person in her district you would have hardcore supported Joe Crowley.

Cool! Thanks.

Are you just saying “Biden… not great”? No first name? I think I can live with that.

That’s a start. We’ll, build you up slowly, gradually inure you and you’ll be correctly giving zero fucks about it here in no time.


Dude, we already agree in principle. It’s just a debate about audience size now. And AOC has already said she’ll vote for Biden and hasn’t gone around saying (“stating facts”) that Joe Biden is a rapist. Glad you can speak for her, though, I’m sure she appreciates that.

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A lot of people in this very thread have outright stated they will be voting for Biden WHILE ALSO criticizing Joe Biden’s EXTENSIVELY DOCUMENTED history of, and I’ll be generous, deeply creepy behavior around women. Very odd how said posters can be “supporting Trump”, while simultaneously voting for Joe Biden!

But don’t worry about how that simple point outright refutes your entire life, talk more about your strawmen about audience size. Unstuck’s audience could be 100x its size and my point would be equally valid. So please shut the fuck up you dumbass fake leftist.

Oh yeah, and hilarious attempt to make the “spinning in your grave/slapping you in the face” rhetorical device into me somehow “mansplaining” AOC. One of the most disingenuous things I’ve ever seen. Holy fuck you are disgusting.