Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Can you explain the connection between “Joe Biden” and “the causes the left cares about”? The cupboard seems pretty bare to me.

There is a reason why the MSM is going to stop talking about Reade in the next few days, barring new developments: there are so many other issues to worry about. To spend the next 6 months talking about one issue is in fact trolling.

Literally all of them except maybe military adventurism. Biden is to the left of Trump on most topics.

How many times should the media ask Biden about this topic? Is the current number of times (0) an appropriate level of coverage?

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Yeah so’s Mitt Romney, that doesn’t make him anything to do with what the left cares about.

Per CNN:

The presumptive Democratic nominee also said he might announce cabinet positions along with his vice-presidential pick before the election in November. He said he would consider a bipartisan cabinet, telling donors Wednesday that he would not place “any limitation on if someone were a Republican, if they’re the best qualified person” to serve in a cabinet post.

Old Comrade Joe, getting the goods for the left as ever.

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Why not spend your time firing shots at the other rapist?

The media has asked him dozens of times, he has declined to answer.

He was asked this question during an interview in person? When?

Not in person, no.

Profiles in courage from our media heroes

And so the responsible thing to do is to move on to other topics?

Before Trump, it was traditional for the losing party to get a few crumbs in the Cabinet. I can think of one Republican congressman in Obama’s cabinet.

My statement above that the campaign declined to comment is wrong, they are denying the charge.

Also Joe Biden isn’t his campaign and his campaign isn’t Joe Biden. No one has ever asked Joe Biden about Tara Reade.

So much the worse for Obama.


I can’t compromise with Biden on his willingness to cage people for minor drug offenses or for just trying to make a home in America

He doesn’t believe in a system that provides health care to everyone

A sane country would reject anyone connected with the war crimes that were Iraq and the Drone Administration in favor of new leadership

It’s just completely diseased that we even have to contend with Biden as a candidate before you even get to the weird touching and the apparent raping.

Incrementalism just isn’t a humane response to all of these problems.

A big reason that most of these problems aren’t solved is corporate money in politics. Biden answers to that money. Warren also answers to that money, though she did a better job of concealing that than most. When the forces lined up behind Biden, it was also a choice between big money and a completely grassroots funded campaign. Almost everyone in the political sphere chose poorly.

I may hold my nose and vote for the “better” rapist warmonger. Maybe I’d be more likely to if some of the unrepentant backers of corporate sellout candidates weren’t on their high horse constantly squashing legitimate criticism of a terrible candidate.


Plenty of shots to go around.

I hope you will all think about the irreparable harm you are doing to incrementalism ITT :joy_cat:

Yeah but, and hear me out, TRUMP BAD!