Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Maybe 4 options soon

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Donā€™t vote isnā€™t a choice. Itā€™s a self serving cop out for people who care more about signalling their purity than the actual suffering of people and the health of the republic.

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my gawd thatā€™s Jesse Venturaā€™s music


itā€¦is a choice? A choice that tens of millions of Americans exercise every four years.

I already said itā€™s good to move for a change right now. Hell if I could Iā€™d be calling my representatives, the DNC and Biden campaign daily to force them to dump him.

But if that fails (which is very likely) Iā€™d snap vote for him.


I expect them to go away because itā€™s unlikely any other women will speak out. Like Reverend Wright did.


I forget, did the right just calmly move on from the whole Reverend Wright thing or did they bang their drums about it for months?

But I only see you firing shots at one guy. Sort of undercuts your whole ā€œboth sides are exactly the sameā€ take when you clearly are only interested in kneecapping one guy.


I would love someone to actually lay out the ā€œdonā€™t vote planā€. Tell me how this actually works?

Masses of Democrats donā€™t vote in November. Trump wins in a landslide. GOP wins everything in a landslide down to dog catcher.

America is now ruled by Trump with zero opposition. The GOP control everything.

Two SCOTUS seats are filled with 40 year old hard right nut jobs. The left can forget out ANYTHING for decades. Lol healthcare.

Trump and his team completely dismantle the regulatory state. More tax cuts for billionaires. We are poor now due to covid. Slash the public sector to shreds. Bring in private sector education.

Gerrymandering is institutionalize for a decade or more.

Bye bye RvW, marriage equality, and Brown v Board. Death to stare decisis!

The left has won their ā€œvictoryā€ and Biden is a foot note.

Now what?

How many decades till you get the reigns back, let alone reverse the above.

All the while here comes Climate Change. Iā€™m sure trump has done a bang up job those four years preparing for it.

Covid 2.0 will be fun with the self injecting of Clorox and all.


I hereby declare that I think trump is a worse person than biden (just about) he has certainly raped more women than biden and his policies will (most likely) be worse than biden if reelected. But itā€™ll be close.

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The donā€™t vote plan has been executed every four years for decades.

They admitted that they could not complain too much: Only two of them had voted. But there were no regrets.

ā€œI donā€™t feel bad,ā€ Mr. Fleming said, trimming a mustache. ā€œMilwaukee is tired. Both of them were terrible. They never do anything for us anyway.ā€

As far as I can tell nobody is here talking about how weā€™re morally obligated to vote for the Republican rapist, but itā€™s the consensus opinion that we all need to vote for the Democratic rapist. Some folks say they donā€™t care if heā€™s actually a rapist, some folks say sheā€™s just a lying whore, some folks say the other guy rapes harder and we need to take that into account. But almost everyone agrees weā€™ve still gotta show up and support him. So heā€™s going to be the one targeted in this forum, yes.


Canadians are morally obligated to come to the US and vote Biden, legal or not. Itā€™s that important. Trump is that bad.


Then can we dispense with this fiction that both sides are exactly the same?

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This is like a bat signal to the world you are not a serious person, thinker, or progressive. Itā€™s stupid and factually wrong on every metric. Measurably so. Undebatably so.

How someone could be among the 1% most politically informed and still come to this conclusion is a true testament to the power of peopleā€™s need to self-congratulate over everything else.


Only if we can dispense with the fiction that anyone actually said anything close to that.

Seems like you should be saying all this to the dems. And you probably shouldā€™ve mentioned how important is was before they rallied around one of the few people nearly as bad as trump.

Larry summers will 100% accelerate inequality and dismantle all regulations and whatā€™s more heā€™ll do it with bipartisan support.

Cocaine mitch ainā€™t letting biden have a scotus seat so those will tide over for trump 2.0 (the semi-competent non demented version)

The dems had 0 to do with marriage equality they in fact fought it every step of the way. So good luck there.

Biden wil provide the illusion that action is happening on climate change but heā€™s owned by the same polluting companies that the GOP is.

Lol it was literally just said like 4 posts up.

Edit make that one post up.