Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If you said that the most accurate way to characterize Joe Biden, in the context of comparing him to Donald Trump or a generic Republican (which is what we’d be doing in a general election), is “someone who lobbied for war, mass incarceration, tried to cut medicare and social security and has been supported for decades by the finance industry” I would disagree.


As always, the disproportionate Warren hate is an emotional backlash because she’s still polling with significant support and the Bernie Bros feel like their candidate is entitled to pick up her entire coalition just by virtue of his higher polling numbers. Meanwhile this chart seems to put things in a different perspective:

Bernie’s “surge” puts him right back at the level he started at. He will never break through his ceiling because he’s done fuck all to build a broader coalition, and yeah his idiot supporters who claim without evidence that Warren would prefer Trump don’t help. Warren is not dropping out before Super Tuesday, even if she did Bernie’s not picking up all of her voters, and even that wouldn’t be enough to break 50% support. You guys are already building up this false narrative that his inevitable failure will be Warren’s fault, or Obama’s fault, or the NYT Editorial Board’s fault, but the fact is he’s a shitty politician who refuses to broaden his coalition enough to actually win a national election.

That’s the problem with much of the left. They’d rather be ideological pure losers than pragmatic winners. Rogan endorsed Sanders, not the other way round. Sanders stresses all the time that one person can’t change the country, we need a broad movement. If he put an artificial ceiling on that movement at 20% of the population by rejecting Rogan’s endorsement he is undermining his own idea.


I disagree with plenty of this, but I think there’s a good point in here that there isn’t as much overlap between Warren supporters and Bernie supporters as their policies would indicate. You can see where a lot of her support shifted to Buttigieg, and I assume if she were to fade or drop out you’d see similar with Biden.

But I’d say Bernie’s doing a solid job of building a coalition. People just don’t like that he’s doing it without pandering to radical centrists.

It’s not at all clear that Biden would be better on war, mass incarceration, medicare or social security than Trump. He has more history than Trump of being on the wrong side of all of those issues.

magabet? Dont worry, I only give it 20%.

Over the line really imo.

Not fun when it’s you being randomly accused of supporting Florida man over a Democrat is it? Let me look at the chicken bones again, maybe they were wrong.


Seriously, he’s like the only candidate who is building a broader coalition.

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I’ve accused YOU of supporting Trump?

Don’t bother replying. I haven’t. And I’ve got to go.

Who is in this broader coalition that wasn’t there before?

You pulled numbers out of your butt to say that HRC & Obama are 90/50 to support Florida Man over Bernie; I’m sorry that a completely non-serious needle entered into it, but if you don’t like being accused of being for Florida Man over Biden, maybe tread lighter saying HRC is 90% likely to support Florida Man over Bernie, there’s just no reason to think that number is that high.

Let me help you out, because that’s not an argument I made, and not even an argument.

It’s super weird that Joe Rogan—a person with weeks worth of documented deplorable derp on the dork web—receives the ‘grab bag of good and bad’ treatment, while Warren, who was making billionaires cry on CNBC just months ago, is now getting the ‘conniving centrist who wants four more years of Florida Man’ treatment.

I don’t hate Liz at all and would happily support her.

But the campaign has done what it’s supposed to do to place her under the microscope and her decision making is clearly not great. She either believes M4A can be passed in a two-step (and is a fucking moron) or doesn’t actually want M4A (in which case she is an unacceptable candidate to me).


You’ve all gone deranged on Warren. There is a precisely 0.0000000000% chance Warren would prefer Trump over Bernie. And Bernie is still the overwhelming favorite to get Warren’s endorsement if he is beating her and she drops out of the race.

Let’s all relax and remember that the vast majority of Bernie and Warren supporters are on the same team and the entire public record of Bernie and Warren as politicians says they’re on the same team too.


Not all.


hopefully bernie gets the nomination so we can see how they act

Yes that’s been posted before. Do you have any commentary on it? Or are you just saying “Warren! Federalist Society! Bad!” without actually watching it yourself?